Meeting Minutes, December 2016

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

January 5, 2017


In attendance: Libbet Downs, Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Bill Bakker, Milde Waterfall with Esther Allen visiting as representative of Historical Society


Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall


Meeting Called to Order at 6:05pm

Minutes Approved for November 30, 2016


New Business: As a result of Esther Allen as our visitor, Vanessa moved us directly to New Business:  Esther was discussing the future of the Historical Society’s property which joins the Library’s boundary on the north.  Her concern was to ask if the Board of Trustees would be supportive of the Town’s purchase of the adjacent lot.  Discussion followed. Libbet moved to indicate that the Library Board would be supportive of the Town’s purchase of the adjacent lot.  The Board will send a note to the Select Board indicating why this purchase would be a benefit to the town and to the library.


Secretary’s Report:  Appeals Letter: Received 44 responses to date.


Treasurer’s Report:  Peter sent no report in his absence.  No concerns noted.


Librarian’s Report:  Included in Unfinished Business- Automation and New Business.


Unfinished Business: Milde indicated she has been in discussion with the gentlemen who restored the letters, which need to be reattached to the front of the Library.

Automation:  Back in business following the holidays and enjoying progress thanks to all of the volunteers faithfully fulfilling the duties of the task.

New Business:  See discussion with Esther Allen in minutes at the beginning of the meeting.  The Board brainstormed ideas on why we would be in favor of the town’s purchase of the lot abutting the Library on the north side of the lot.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:30pm


Summary of Decisions:  Tony will write a note approved by the Board to send to the Selectmen regarding the property abutting the Library on the north side. Milde will continue discussions regarding the reattachment of the letter on the front of the Library.