Reading Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 29, 2015
In attendance: Peter Seman, Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Bill Bakker (remotely), Milde Waterfall, Secretary
Called to order 6:05pm
Minutes approved for August 25th meeting.
No Changes to Agenda
Secretary’s Report: Tony and Milde submitted 12 grant requests for the restoration work.
Treasurer’s Report: Peter presented the monthly budget and explained the bills for the Septic pumping, the Elevator Inspector’s repair report and the overpayment in Tech to be corrected.
Librarian’s Report: We have a new volunteer, Brook James, starting next week. The Sachet program with the school kids is on track, led by Vanessa. The Pumpkin Carving will be on October 27th Lisa Kaija will be helping. The pumpkins the students grew will be used saving a significant amount of money. At 6 pm the kids will come here and the pumpkins will be here. Tony met with the Friends and Neighbors regarding the Christmas program which will be held on December 18th, a Friday. We will collaborate on providing cocoa and treats. We will provide songbooks. We need to contact Santa so he can clear his calendar for that evening.
Unfinished Business: The landscaping concerns were reviewed and the issue is solved. Tony will put a reminder in the Informer that Board meetings are open and all are welcome. Milde will work with the Reading Garden Center to winterize the lavender and discuss future landscaping changes.
Automation is underway. Our application to Catamount was filled out and sent to Russell Moore. Mr. Moore called with a few changes the Catamount board had made to membership. Tony explained the changes and the Board found them acceptable. Milde motioned to proceed and Bill seconded the motion. The Board passed the motion. Details to this project are available at the Library. Tony will explore information on the conversion process and talk with Catamount regarding a timeline for going live.
Maintenance concerns were address. We will continue contracting the cleaning of the library. Mike Barr has securely fastened the library hours to our sign and the work on the lift. Tony will set dates for the fireplace insert to be inspected and have the smoke alarm in the Maintenance room replaced. Regarding the lift the inspector has requested the replacement of a hose. Tony shared a lengthy narrative regarding this replacement, which will be a sizeable expense but is mandatory. Vanessa motioned to go forward with replacing the hose and Peter second.
The Board approved. Milde shared the sample of restoration work done by Justin Mayo to accompany his bid for the work. The Board agreed this work was excellent.
New Business: Peter presented the yearly budget. Discussion followed. Bill motioned to approve the motion and Vanessa seconded the motion. The Board approved. Tony will write the Appeal Letter for this year and Milde will assist in the preparation and dissemination.
Summary of Decisions: Tony will be talking with other Librarians regarding the conversion process, continue work on maintenance and contact the people to replace the hose on the elevator. In addition Tony and Milde will start the Appeals Letter work and complete more grant requests. Vanessa will proceed with the school lavender sachet project. Milde will winterize the lavender.
Items for next agenda: Automation, Maintenance, Programs, Appeals Letter, Grant writing.
We adjourned at 7:25pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Milde Waterfall.