Gilbert Davis Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 30, 2018
Next meeting February 27
Reminder: Town Hall Meeting March 3
In attendance: Tony Pikrameos, Vanessa Maxham, Milde Waterfall, Libbet Downs, Janet Malcolm, visitor
Called to Order at 6:10pm
No Changes to the Agenda
Minutes approved from November meeting.
Secretary’s Report – Thank you notes will be completed on Thursday, February 2, 2018
Treasurer’s Report: Bill Bakker, the new Treasurer, sent the report through Tony. The budget changes reflect book and audio book purchases as increases.
Librarian’s Report – Tony has researched the possibility of using the old card catalog as a seed catalog for patrons to donate and receive seeds this spring. Tony discussed the matter with Scott Harkin who thought it was a good idea. Discussion continued about a potential focus on local gardeners rather than using seeds donated by companies. Contacting other two other local libraries that have tried seed exchanges Tony found that success was inconsistent. Further research needed.
The fifth and sixth graders are participating in the Dorothy Canfield Fisher books. They now have library cards and trying to connect with Listen Up Vermont. Also working on Sharing Red Clover Books with K-4. On going discussions with RES Principal regarding visits to the Library. The Library now has a new set of Caroling pamphlets for next year. Recently, the following groups have used the library for meetings: Recreation Group, WRAP, Village Center Committee, Aging in Place, and used for Depositions as well. The order of new books has been processed for check out. Bob Allen requested info on the library lift as a potential for the Historical Society. Ron Wanamaker has sent detailed explanation of the attaching of the letters for the library’s records.
Unfinished Business – Bill and Tony have produced a diary album with photos and narrative of Minnie Fay as a beginning of the exhibit they have been planning. It is available for viewing upon request.
Maintenance – Dave Behan has repaired the plumbing issues. Lights have been repaired and bulbs replaced by Millbrook Electric.
New Business – WRAP still discussing potential film series. The reports went to the Town Clerk for publication at Town Meeting. New Patron info is being processed into our database.
Summary of Decisions: Bill will contact the Courier Group with Catamount regarding their route. Vanessa will follow up with Peter Seman regarding his letter of Resignation. Tony will talk with Principal Knight regarding school visits. Libbet will continue to explore film possibilities with WRAP. Milde will contact Westminster Crackers regarding Library supply.
Adjourned 7:35pm Minutes respectfully submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary
Note Bene: December 2017 Meeting not held due to weather and other conflicts