Reading Public Library Board Meeting Minutes
Date: August 28, 2018
Meeting commenced: 6:11
Present: Vanessa Maxham, Heather Evans, Libbet Downs, Tony Pikramenos.
Minutes from the last two meetings (July 18 and August 16 – Special Meeting): Motion to approve by Heather, seconded by Libbet.
Secretary’s Report: no new report.
Treasurer’s Report: treasurer was not present. Question of clarification on what line the courier fees are located in the budget.
Librarian’s Report: Because the fiber connection did not reach as far as Puddledock Park, a new network was created using Comcast modem and router. The new network is called Puddledock Park. Thank yous go to Jane Philpin for lending her finger labyrinths for the past year, and to JD Cross for watering the herb and flower garden.
Discussion about a fall project with the K-1 class from RES with the assistance of Lisa Kaija.
The Rec Commission and the Library are hosting an indoor game night on September 21.
The Library will hold a Make-a-Plate workshop from 10-2 on October 20.
Pumpkin carving and decorating will happen the week of Halloween.
Unfinished Business: Dave Appleton pruned and fertilized the apple tree in the front yard. The sidewalk and step cement repairs have been started. Discussion on the questions of repairing the sofit that has been damaged by woodpecker holes. James Brower gave an estimate of $390 to do the repairs. Vanessa made a motion to proceed with hiring him. Libbet seconded. Motion to hire Brower passed.
Summary of Decisions: Tony will contact Lisa Kaija about K-1 project ideas. Tony will go forward with hiring James Brower to make the repairs on the soffit.
Meeting adjourned: 7:11
Date of next meeting: September 25, 2018
Minutes respectfully submitted by Libbet Downs, Library Board Member.