Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
September 29th, 2020
Call to order: 6:11pm
Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Bill Bakker, Vanessa Maxham
Absent: library trustee Janet Malcolm
Minutes approved from last meeting: Heather motioned, Bill seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda
No Secretary’s report
Treasurer’s report: Bill reports that there is a new executor of the Davis Trust, which the library benefits from, and he is open to communicating with the board.
Librarian’s report:
We are so proud to announce that we now have a Little Free Library outside the library!
Mr. Karl Hanson built and installed it. Please visit, it is wonderful.
We have collaborated with the Rec Commission on an outdoor movie series. We’ve had 3 so far.
Halloween is approaching fast and Tony will once again do pumpkin carving with Lisa Kaija, which will happen at the elementary school. Tony will transfer pumpkins once complete.
Halloween night he will hand out individual candy to the children, so that many hands do not contaminate the candy/buckets.
The Rec Commission and the Library are already thinking about the upcoming Holidays. We plan on decorating the building to bring cheer.
Our reopening plan is going well. We are going to re-evaluate it for the colder months as we’ll be spending more time inside and depending on COVID results.
Unfinished Business: Maintenance-we passed our elevator inspection
New Business: We are continuing to discuss our letter of gratitude.
Summary of Decisions: Heather to send email to board with art decisions for letter; Vanessa to contact Calista for info on grand list for mailings/printings.
Items for next month: We will have Halloween programs to the extent that we can.
Next meeting: October 27th 6pm via ZOOM
Adjourn: 6:54pm
Respectfully submitted by: Vanessa Maxham, chair