Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
January 4, 2022
Call to order: 6:06 pm
Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Bill Baker.
Minutes approved from last meeting: Janet motioned, Heather seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda.
Secretary’s report: Thank you notes up to date.
Treasurer’s report: On track with budget.
Librarian’s report: Current total from appeal letter donations is $5,235. New library sign is up! Total cost is $371. Annual librarian’s report sent in. Sophie is volunteering here at the library and is loving it. Tony wrote a paragraph in the Aging in Place booklet put together by Sarah Norcross detailing what resources and the library has to offer. Libbet and Edward got married at the library! Tree lighting ceremony went great. Libbet and Tony will make a plan for story time at the library. Pre- K teacher would like to bring kids to the library for story time. Tony will be in touch with RES staff. Department of libraries gave materials for summer reading program.
Unfinished Business: none.
Maintenance: No new report.
New Business:
Grant Policy: Bill and Tony provided insight on the town’s grant policy.
Summary of Decisions: story time plans.
Items for next month: Grant policy.
Adjourn: 6:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by: Janet Malcolm, secretary.