Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
June 27, 2023
- Call to order 6:14/ Attendance: Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm, Tony Pikramenos, Bill Baker, Heather Evans, Libbet Downs
- Secretary’s report: No new report
- Treasurer’s Report: Budget is on track
- Librarian’s report: We are at the end of the fiscal year and we got a bunch of new books in! There is a summer program with Otaquechhee Health Center-painted rocks that are placed around local spots for kids 12 and under to try and find. There are sheets at the library with where to look and if you get 15 there is a prize if you find all 15. This goes until August 17th. Joyce Babbit, the RES librarian, will be here on Thursday June 29th, July 6th , 20th , 27th from 4:30-5 talking with kids about summer reading. Two outdoor movies are coming up the weekend of August 18 and Sept 8. Kevin Kaija offered to cut up a down tree in front of the library. Podcasts with Tony and Gerry are continuing every two weeks!
- Unfinished Business: Maintenance: Waiting on sidewalk repair until we know more about pricing of heat pumps and the energy audit.
- New Business: none
- Executive session: Begins at 6:50 to discuss the next fiscal year’s budget. Out of executive session 7:00.
- Summary of Decisions: We’re going to celebrate birthdays with yummy treats at our meetings and we now know all of the board members’ birthdays! January 19 – Tony ; March 17 – Heather ; May 22- Bill June 11 – Janet ; July 2 -Vanessa; October 2- Libbet
- Items for Next Month: maintenance
- Adjourn: 7:01
Respectfully submitted by Janet Malcolm