Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
August 1, 2023
1. Call to order 6:10/ Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Bill Baker, Libbet Downs, Janet Malcolm
2. Minutes approved from last meeting: Janet motions, Bill seconds, all in favor, approved
3. No changes to current agenda
4. Secretary’s Report: No new report
5. Treasurer’s Report: Budget is on track. Our budget went up $1500 this fiscal year.
6. Librarian’s report: Outdoor movie coming up 8/17 and 9/9. Tony postponed his vacation so he could have the library space available for folks who needed to use the library who were affected by the flood. He will hopefully be taking vacation in the next ten days hopefully.
7. Unfinished Business: Maintenance: Mark Corbin has contacted Vanessa about donating a tree to the library to replace the tree that fell. Vanessa motions to accept the offer for tree donation, Janet seconds, all in favor, approved
8. New Business: None
9. Summary of Decisions: Vanessa will let Mark know we are excited for the generous offer of a tree.
10. Items for Next Month: Maintenance
11. Adjourn: 7:05
Respectfully submitted by Janet Malcolm