Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
February 27, 2024
1. Call to order 6:00/ Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Bill Baker, Janet Malcolm, Heather Evans, Libbet Downs, Bill Neukomm
2. Minutes approved from last meeting: Janet motions, Bill seconds, all in favor, approved
3. Public comment: Bill Neukom spoke about the SESM grant application to the state. The energy committee will submit this grant application for the heat pumps which will cover 80% of the total cost and the library would cover the remaining 20%. The library board is excited for this plan as the energy committee is hard at work to help the library building become more energy efficient.
4. No changes to current agenda
5. Secretary’s Report: No new report
6. Treasurer’s Report: Budget is on track.
7. Librarian’s report: Tony has made some purchases that students, homeschooled and public school, can check out to use as resources! Application in process to Vermont kit club. Tony worked together with the Weathersfield library on a grant application for AAS solar eclipse task force- 152 entries and 35 were given the grant and we received the only one in Vermont! This entails nearly $5,000 to purchase a telescope and accessories! Application for eclipse kits from ECHO museum for the school. Tony is also applying with Fiber Connect for a grant.
8. Unfinished Business: Maintenance: No new report
9. New Business: No new business
10. Summary of Decisions: All in agreement for Bill and the energy committee to proceed with grant application.
11. Items for Next Month: Maintenance
12. Adjourn: 7:07
Respectfully submitted by Janet Malcolm