Reading Library
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
April 25th, 2017
In attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Libbet Downs, Peter Seman, Bill Bakker, Vanessa Maxham
Minutes respectfully submitted by Vanessa Maxham
Called to Order at 6:08pm
Minutes approved for March 28th, 2017 meeting
No changes to agenda
Secretary’s Report:
Treasurer’s Report:
Possible Sovernet credit-Tony to research
Materials line increased 10% ($40 annually) on Expenditure Budget due to Listen-Up Vermont. Many library constituents use this service. We had a lengthy conversation in regards to the benefits of continuing this program. More discussions to come.
Automation Over Time (for Tony) discussion
Librarian’s Report: automation going very well
Unfinished Business:
Maintenance: We will be coming up with a building operations/trouble shooting guide, which will help anyone using the building who may have unique situations arise (ie. boiler switch, fireplace, elevator, etc.). We need an update on the gold letters and when they will possibly be put up on the portico.
Discussion at length regarding the library’s Complaint Protocol-signatures on hold at this point.
No New Business
Summary of Decisions:
Trouble Shooting Guide to be compiled. Sovernet Credit? Update on Gold Letters. Verify Authorized signers for checking account. Elevator lesson at next meeting for trustees, and any volunteers.
Meeting adjourned at 7:33pm
Next meeting May 30th, 2017