Meeting Minutes, February 2020

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees meeting minutes

February 25, 2020


  1. Call to order – 6.07 PM – Attendees: Vanessa Maxham, Heather Evans, Bill Bakker, Libbet Downs, Tony Pikramenos. Absent: Janet Malcolm
  2. Approve minutes from last meeting – motion and seconded, minutes approved
  3. Query for changes to the agenda – None suggested
  4. Secretary’s report – all thank you notes for annual appeal donations have been sent
  5. Treasurer’s report
    1. Budget on track for end of year
  6. Annual appeal donations have been successful. Still a few coming in
  1. Librarian’s report
    1. Courier service, in partnership with Hartland Library, will be paid in January and annually in January going forward. The cost is $260.00 per year
    2. Propane tank meters need some repairs, which will be done by Irving in the spring or early summer
    3. Hallowanukkah candle is still li and guesses continue to come in for the day it will stop “burning”
  2. Unfinished business – maintenance – currently no outstanding maintenance projects
  3. New business – programs
    1. Silent book club is planned for March 4, 18, and April 1
    2. Seed library is ready and we have received some seed donations, with more on the way
    3. Community Sing-along scheduled for March 27
    4. Tony is currently planning a screwball comedy film series for May with films fro the 40s or 50s
    5. A monthly series, titled “Twelve Ephemerals,” is being developed. This will be a series of short programs
  4. Summary of decisions – board voted and agreed to annual payment for courier service
  5. Items for next month – nothing new to add beyond what is typically discussed
  6. Adjourn – 6:58 PM