Meeting Minutes, May 2018

Reading Public Library

Board Meeting Minutes

Date: May 29, 2018


Meeting commenced: 6:02 PM

Present: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Bill Bakker

Minutes from last meeting: Motion to approve by Vanessa, second by Bill

Secretarys report: No new report

Treasurers report: Bill and Tony will be meeting in early June to discuss the money remaining for the year. There should be enough money left for new books or supplies.

Librarians report:

  • There are lots of community groups who are using the library for meeting space, so new dry erase calendars are being used to track and manage the schedule.
  • No word from Cathy regarding summer reading and library visits for RES students.
  • Patrons are continuing to utilize the seed catalogue.
  • Reading Recreation Commission Game Nights are now outside, though the library will continue to be used if the weather is bad.
  • The picnic tables are in Puddledock Park and Bill will contact the Reading Greenspaces Committee to have the $175 check made out to support them.
  • Maryanne will no longer be volunteering at the library. The library will be giving her a bouquet of flowers as a thank you for all her years of service.
  • Upcoming programs – Sing-a-long May 8, Stitching Circle May 9, “Libraries Rock” summer programs – Thursdays in July.

Unfinished business:

  • Maintenance- Bill continues to look for someone to do the sidewalk repair. Mike Barr will need to be contacted to see if he can repair a hole that woodpeckers have created.

New business:

  • Vanessa will contact Calista regarding Tony’s wage increase, effective July 1
  • Herb garden – With the removal of the dead lavender plants, we discussed creating a community herb garden, including chives, oregano, rosemary, and other herbs better suited to our climate. The board will meet with Tony in June to do the plantings.

Summary of decisions: Bill to look into getting sidewalks and steps at library fixed. Bill to contact Greenspaces regarding check for tables. Bill will call Mike Barr about woodpecker hole. The Board will work with Tony on the herb garden 

Meeting Adjourned: 7:00

Date of next meeting: June 26, 2018