Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: May 14, 2020
Meeting commenced: 6:37 via ZOOM
Present: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Janet Malcolm, Bill Baker
Minutes from last meeting: Motion to approve by Bill, second by Janet.
Secretary’s report: No new report
Treasurer’s report: Estimated $3500 left for spending for the year; discussed securing COVID 19 supplies
Librarian’s report: Most libraries are now beginning to do curbside service. Tony has done a lot of research surrounding this and feels the library can safely begin curbside pick-up services and home delivery services. Tony has been working on getting information out to the public, securing COVID 19 supplies, establishing policies for safe handling of items, and taken a couple trainings regarding nonprofits during COVID 19. Tony signed up for Zoom paid subscription on month to month basis $14.99/month. Herb garden cared for by Tony. Cyrus will continue to cut grass. Wipes and hand sanitizer are most needed at this time.
Unfinished business: None
New business: Curbside pick-up discussed; policy will be on the website and you can call library for details. Discussed having a computer for outdoor use as sanitary supplies are available. William motioned to approve plan for curbside pick-up and home delivery service, Libbet second and unanimous yes.
Heather brought question from green space committee if picnic tables can be put out for use. Heather will pass on to green space committee that as long as state guidelines are followed the tables can be put out.
Motion to add discussion of public comments policy to the next meeting agenda. Discussed including public comment at beginning of agenda for future meetings.
Summary of decisions: Library board agreed to subscribe to ZOOM for one year. Library board unanimous vote to begin curbside pickup and home delivery service. Board agreed to include public comment at the beginning of the agenda.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:47
Date of next meeting: TBD