Gilbert Davis Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 28, 2017
Next meeting December 26, 2017
In attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Milde Waterfall, Libbet Downs, Bill Bakker, Peter Seman
Called to order at 6:05pm
Agenda Changes: no changes
Secretary’s Report: Thank you notes to 28 responses to Appeal Letter. Two checks need to be written – one to QMH (Quality Mailing House) and one to Tony for stamps.
Treasurer’s Report – Peter presented the current Operating Budget and a document from FY 1997 to the present listing requests for Town Appropriations for the Library.
Librarian’s Report:
- The Department of Libraries has scrapped the old Library Loan Program and a new one, Clover, is operative. Tony talked with the Windsor Librarian regarding the program.
- One of the Library laptops died (RIP) but we still have one desktop and two laptops that are operative.
- The Fire Department and the Rescue Squad borrowed our projector for a program.
- The Handicapped Lift has had its first successful use for a patron from West Windsor.
- Listen Up Vermont shared the statistics of patrons use in Reading from September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017, which revealed 482 users.
- Programs: Halloween – even without power and school cancelled students came and carved pumpkins. A local farmer picked up the pumpkins the next day for pig food. Good recycling effort!
- A Tree Lighting celebration will be held in the green space beside the library on December 1 at 6:30pm. The tree will be lit each night from 5pm to 10pm with the help of an extension cord to the library. The annual caroling celebration will be held on December 22nd at the Library.
- Peter was asked to write a letter to Vanessa, Chairperson, explaining his resignation. The Library makes a recommendation to the Selectmen who can approve the replacement before Town Meeting or a new member can be nominated at Town Meeting.
Unfinished Business:
- Bill gave an up-date on the Minnie Fay exhibit he and Tony have been designing. Tony is making an album with narrative and pictures to be placed in the book cart and two or three framed photos will be placed on the wall.
- Tony gave everyone his or her new Library Card. He is creating a newsflash to help with information for the public on new procedures with automation. Stay tuned in the next Informer or check for more information. We went live with the new automation last Tuesday, November 21, 2017.
- Tony took our volunteers to lunch at South Woodstock General Store and a good time was had by all.
- A few glitches are being worked out with Catamount. Tony is inputting patrons for their new library cards.
- The globe light outside was replaced for the first time in 16 years. Mike Barr also replaced two interior lights.
- The picnic table in front of the Library has been removed, as it was no longer safe for patrons to sit on.
- Mike Barr will resume the plowing this winter.
New Business:
- Libbet’s group is brainstorming possible films to screen at the Library
- Request to Town for budget is currently $29,280 and has remained the same since 2013. The Board moved to Executive session. Discussion followed regarding a raise for Tony and a general request.
Summary of Decisions. Tony will check on the possibility of ordering from Staples through Calista. Bill and Peter will meet regarding the position of Treasurer. Vanessa will alert Bill to the requirements of the position of Treasurer. Libbet will meet with WRAP regarding film choices. Milde will continue to respond with thank you notes to contributors.
Adjourned 8:20pm.
Respectfully submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary