Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
July 30, 2024
1. Call to order 6:01/ Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Bill Baker, Janet Malcolm, Heather Evans, Bill Neukomm
2. Minutes approved from last meeting: Vanessa motions, Bill seconds, all in favor, approved
3. No changes to current agenda
4. Secretary’s Report: No new report
5. Treasurer’s Report: Budget is on track.
6. Librarian’s report: Movie night was wonderful and there was a large turnout- about 45 people. Another movie scheduled for August!
7. Unfinished Business: Maintenance: Bill Neukomm spoke about the option to have an architectural engineer who is available on 8/1/24 to evaluate the weight load that the upstairs can handle for insulation. According to our energy audit, this will have the biggest impact in making the library more energy efficient. Janet motions to approve the weight bearing assessment, not to exceed $3000. Bill seconds the motion. Three in favor
and one abstained.
8. New Business: No new business
9. Summary of Decisions: Architectural engineer will come 8/1/24 for the assessment.
10. Items for Next Month: Maintenance
11. Adjourn: 7:07
Respectfully submitted by Janet Malcolm