Meeting Minutes, June 2017

Gilbert Davis Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

June 27, 2017


In attendance:  Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Milde Waterfall, Libbet Downs


Called to Order at 6:05pm

No changes to Agenda


Secretary’s Report: Note sent to Hall  Art Foundation thanking them for Art Book collection.  Contacted gentlemen at Shelburne Village and we are tentatively set  for September to put the gold leaf letters on the front of the building.  Lavender is doing well and baskets for the cheek walls created by Sharon Harkin are fantastic.


Treasurer’s Report:  Tony reported in Peter’s absence that we ended the year on the penny.


Librarian’s Report:  Jane Cleveland gifted the library with personal notes by her aunt, Marjorie Cleveland Swain.  Libbet also brought notes from Jane.  Marjorie’s  notes share memories of Minnie Fay, with whom she worked.  Tony will respond.

Speaking of Reading will be held in the Library on Old Home Days from 12 noon to 3pm allowing residents to share stories of life in Reading. The library is note hosting the event but offering use of the library space.

Tony offered the Reading Volunteer Fire Department sign, which has been in the Library attic for ten or so years to the Historical Society.

Wayne Shontz has given us a quote for the work needed on the front sidewalk.  The quote is very reasonable.  The Board motioned and  second a motion to accept his offer.  He will start in July.

Tony shared information he had about the potential sale of part of the lot next to the library.   Waiting for confirmation on this sale.


Unfinished Business:  Automation.  On schedule.  Closing in as we are half way through the Early Readers, heading to the Picture Books, and then Juvenile Fiction.  Finished then.

Brief discussion on what to do with the cards in the card catalog.  They are treasured historical documents.


New Business – Next meeting July 25.  Discussed plans for the green space beside the library:  parking, movies, farmer’s market, contra dance, funding for a gazebo.  So many wonderful possibilities.


Summary of Decisions:  Sidewalk repair will start after Old Home Days.


Adjourned at 6:47pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary