Reading Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 28, 2015
In attendance: Libbet Downs, Peter Seman, Vanessa Maxham, Bill Bakker, Tony Pikramenos, Milde Waterfall.
Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 6:05pm
Libbet called for any changes to the agenda. Milde asked for iPad class to be added to Unfinished Business.
Minutes from 3/31/15 were approved.
Secretary’s Report: Thank you notes up to date. Jane Soule’s advertising submitted to Informer and will go on FPF. May 17th, 3 pm. Reading Library.
Treasurer’s Report: Heating and phone costs up. Cleaning on track. Next month we will be able to see the results of these spikes. Board offered Tony registration for the State Library Conference. He will make a decision and inform the Board.
Librarian’s Report: Tony’s participation in the school Read A Thon was successful. Tony discussed possibilities for 6th grade work with Library, possibly sponsoring a movie night. We completed the Vermont Movie series and enjoyed a spirited discussion following the last installment. Both book clubs are meeting. Peter Seman will learn how to run the movie as a back up should Tony be unable to make it.
Unfinished Business: Pillar Repair is scheduled by May 7 rather than May 1. Exterior painting is scheduled for May 15th. Tony will confirm with Paul B. and in the event he does not succeed Libbet will make the contact.
We will offer an ipad class on May 17th at 5pm with basic ipad instruction. Tony will promote the event on FPF.
The task force to explore automation gave their report. An extensive discussion followed with several concerns. Libbet moved that we vote to automate and proceed with exhaustive research to create a timeline and a budget, get clarification regarding software possibilities and explore grants available to defray the cost. The Board approved and invites anyone to come and study our research to date and to provide input. The Department of Libraries strongly supports the move to automate reasoning that libraries need to be more connected to a larger network of libraries rather than being isolated in the information age. This connectivity will not only put more power in the hands of the patrons it will also expand the library’s services.
The Library will offer an introductory, basic iPad class at 5pm on May 14th. Tony will advertise in FPF.
New Business: Milde presented a proposal for the border herb garden, the baskets on the cheek walls, and the hanging baskets. The Board approved her going ahead working with the Garden Center on the project.
Summary of Decisions:
- Tony – get clarification regarding Automation, make two announcements to FPF on Jane Soule’s Food Presentation and the Library iPad class, contact Paul regarding the contract on the exterior, make a decision regarding the State Librarian Conference, prepare a detailed list of expenses involved in automating, and continue working with the 6th grade on a service project. In addition Tony will instruct Peter on the use of movie projector.
- Bill will visit the Springfield Library to learn about their automation process and results.
- Milde and Vanessa will provide a list of grants available to defray the cost of automation.
- Peter will learn how to use the movie projector and work with Tony on a timeline and proposed budget for automation.
- Libbet will follow up on the exterior work if Tony is unsuccessful.
- Milde will proceed with the Garden Center to prepare the Library flowers and gardens and contact Jim Hassin on garden programs.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:15pm