Author: Reading
Meeting Agenda, 10-29-19
Reading Public Library
Board of Trustees
October 29th, 2019
6 pm
1. Call to Order
2. Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
3. Query for Changes to Agenda Items
4. Secretary’s Report
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Librarian’s Report
7. Unfinished Business
● maintenance
8. New Business
9. Summary of Decisions
10. Items for Next Month
11. Adjourn
Meeting Minutes, August 2019
Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: August 27, 2019
Meeting commenced: 6:10
Present: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Heather Evans, Janet Malcolm, Bill Bakker
Minutes from last meeting: Motion to approve by Heather, second by Bill, all in agreement
Secretary’s report: Quality Mailing House payment delivered for appeal letter mailing
Treasurer’s report: Town report completed! Budget up to date for previous fiscal year and for July 2019
Librarian’s report: Thank you note needed for Annie and Jean for astro disk. Also a thank you note needed for Gerald Gambone fixing the oak table for $15. The last comic club camp was great success and the kids loved it. A student from the White River Junction school came to present. Comcast router was reactivated to provide service to Puddledock park. Tony will check with Lisa Kaija if she is interested in doing the herb program again with the RES students. Vanessa and Janet will reach out to John Hansen to inquire if any support from the Reading Public library is wanted for the RES library
Unfinished business:
- Maintenance- Bill talked with Jane Cleveland next to the library regarding property grounds keeping. Attached is a letter from Bill to Jane and a map outlining where the library landscaper will mow.
New business: Tony spoke with Hartland library about paying twice a year instead of four times a year. This is OK with Hartland so a check will be sent in July and January to cover $260/ year. They will reimburse if the currier program goes away.
Summary of decisions: All in agreement with mowing agreement with Jane Cleveland.
Items for next month: Folding chair purchase
Meeting Adjourned: 6:52
Date of next meeting: September 24, 2019
Meeting Agenda, 8-27-19
Meeting Minutes, July 2019
Reading Library Board
Meeting Minutes
July 30th, 2019
In attendance: Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos.
Absent: Janet Malcolm, Bill Bakker.
Call to order: 6:08 p.m.
Minutes approved from May meeting; Heather motioned Libbet seconded, all in agreement. No changes to agenda items.
No secretary’s report-absent.
No treasurer’s report-absent.
Librarian’s report: The library’s budget will remain flat/even for the 2019/20 fiscal year ($32,300).
Unfinished Business: Discussed a beautiful antique wobbly/wobbly computer table that is used in the library and needs repair. Heather motioned for Tony to contact Gerry Gambone to possibly fix, Libbet seconded, all in agreement, motion passed.
New Business: Discussed grounds care/mowing of library; need to follow-up with Bill (trustee) who is handling contracts/agreements.
Discussed possibility of participating in Reading’s Ducky Derby event in September ‘19 -declined to participate in this years Derby; Libbet motioned to ‘pass’ on Derby day Heather seconded, all in agreement, motion passed. The board would be open to consider for 2020 Derby if it continues.
Discussion regarding ongoing courier service with Hartland Library and whether to pay for courier service annually vs. quarterly. Tony to follow-up with Nancy, librarian in Hartland.
Summary of Decisions: Declining Ducky Derby Day ‘19. Tony to discuss courier payments with Hartland Librarian. Vanessa to contact Bill re: mowing. Tony to contact Mr. Gambone re: computer table.
Items for next month: Courier to New Business, Maintenance to Unfinished.
Adjourn: 6:53 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Vanessa Maxham, chair.
Meeting Agenda, 7-30-19
Meeting Minutes, May 2019
Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: May 28, 2019
Meeting commenced: 6:05
Present: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Janet Malcolm, Bill Bakker
Minutes from last meeting: Motion to approve by Janet, second by Libbet.
Secretary’s report: Thank you note sent to Darci for providing snacks during story times. Thank you card to be sent out to Jane Philpin for donation of a gorgeous wooden bocce ball set; also a half dozen card games. Thank you card to be sent to Maryann Allcroft for donation of 10 books, 30 movie DVD’s, and 15 watercolor paintings by Evelyn Mildner. Thank you card to be sent to
Westminster crackers for donation of oyster crackers.
Treasurer’s report: End of the fiscal year numbers being finalized. Tony will be ordering new children’s books. Bill will contact family member of Glibert A. Davis regarding the Gilbert A. Davis trust fund to inquire about an annual report. Bill motions to approve Harkins boys for library lawn service for $28 per mowing. Libbet seconds and unanimous yes.
Librarian’s report: Herb garden planted by Libbet, Heather and Tony.
Comic book club met on May 25th and will meet again one Saturday in June and August
Unfinished business: None
New business: None
Summary of decisions: Bill will look into Gilbert A. Davis. Tony and Bill working on end of the fiscal year numbers. Harkins boys will be doing lawn care for library.
Items for next month: Talk about expanding Tony’s hours for courier service so he won’t need to submit each month.
Computer table needs maintenance
Meeting Adjourned: 6:52
Date of next meeting: June 25, 2019
Meeting Agenda, 7-30-19
Meeting Minutes, October 2018
Reading Public Library Board Meeting Minutes
Date: October 23, 2018
Meeting commenced: 6:30 after signing fundraising letters.
Present: Vanessa Maxham, Heather Evans, Bill Bakker, Janet Malcolm, Tony Pikramenos
Minutes from last meeting: Motion to approve by Vanessa, second by Heather
Secretary’s report: The appeal letters are signed and will be dropped off tomorrow at Quality Mailing House in Claremont. Janet spoke with Dale and they are all set to receive letters.
Treasurer’s report: Provided the board with updated monthly numbers for the budget.
Librarian’s report:
- Make a Plate was a great success with lots of attendance!
- Becca White will come to library November 8th at 6 pm for a solar and home energy savings program with Q and A.
- 31 RES student’s pumpkin carving with Lisa Kaija.
- Waiting on Irving to come to check fireplace.
- Maintenance- Mike Barr is retiring after years of snow removal service for the library. David Carbee has given a quote the same price as Mike Barr. Vanessa motioned to hire David Carbee for snow removal, Heather second. Unanimous vote yes by board.
- Thank you notes to be sent to Jean Goldsborough for donating printer and scanner and Mike Barr for years of snow removal.
- Thursday Oct. 25, Tony will be away all day for annual Catamount conference. Library will be closed and Tony will be reimbursed for mileage and time.
New Business: no new business
Summary of decisions:
- Tony will contact David Carbee for snow removal
- Janet will drop appeal letters to be mailed to Quality Mailing House tomorrow.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:10
Date of next meeting: November 27, 2018.
Meeting Agenda, 12-4-18
Reading Public Library
Board of Trustees
December 4th, 2018
6 pm
- Call to Order
- Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
- Query for Changes to Agenda Items
- Secretary’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Librarian’s Report
- Unfinished Business
- maintenance
- New Business
- Summary of Decisions
- Items for Next Month
- Adjourn