Meeting Agenda, 1-30-18

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees


January 30th, 2018


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
  3. Query for Changes to Agenda Items
  4. Secretary’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Librarian’s Report
  7. Unfinished Business
  • Minnie Fay exhibit (ongoing)
  • Maintenance
  1. New Business
  2. Summary of Decisions
  3. Items for Next Month
  4. Adjourn


Meeting Minutes, November 2017

Gilbert Davis Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

November 28, 2017

Next meeting December 26, 2017

In attendance:  Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Milde Waterfall, Libbet Downs, Bill Bakker, Peter Seman

Called to order at 6:05pm

Agenda Changes: no changes

Secretary’s Report: Thank you notes to 28 responses to Appeal Letter.  Two checks need to be written – one to QMH (Quality Mailing House) and one to Tony for stamps.

Treasurer’s Report – Peter presented the current Operating Budget and a document from FY 1997 to the present listing requests for Town Appropriations for the Library.

Librarian’s Report:

  • The Department of Libraries has scrapped the old Library Loan Program and a new one, Clover, is operative. Tony talked with the Windsor Librarian regarding the program.
  • One of the Library laptops died (RIP) but we still have one desktop and two laptops that are operative.
  • The Fire Department and the Rescue Squad borrowed our projector for a program.
  • The Handicapped Lift has had its first successful use for a patron from West Windsor.
  • Listen Up Vermont shared the statistics of patrons use in Reading from September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017, which revealed 482 users.
  • Programs: Halloween – even without power and school cancelled students came and carved pumpkins.  A local farmer picked up the pumpkins the next day for pig food.  Good recycling effort!
  • A Tree Lighting celebration will be held in the green space beside the library on December 1 at 6:30pm. The tree will be lit each night from 5pm to 10pm with the help of an extension cord to the library.  The annual caroling celebration will be held on December 22nd at the Library.
  • Peter was asked to write a letter to Vanessa, Chairperson, explaining his resignation. The Library makes a recommendation to the Selectmen who can approve the replacement before Town Meeting or a new member can be nominated at Town Meeting.

Unfinished Business:

  • Bill gave an up-date on the Minnie Fay exhibit he and Tony have been designing. Tony is making an album with narrative and pictures to be placed in the book cart and two or three framed photos will be placed on the wall.
  • Tony gave everyone his or her new Library Card. He is creating a newsflash to help with information for the public on new procedures with automation.  Stay tuned in the next Informer or check for more information.  We went live with the new automation last Tuesday, November 21, 2017.
  • Tony took our volunteers to lunch at South Woodstock General Store and a good time was had by all.
  • A few glitches are being worked out with Catamount. Tony is inputting patrons for their new library cards.
  • The globe light outside was replaced for the first time in 16 years. Mike Barr also replaced two interior lights.
  • The picnic table in front of the Library has been removed, as it was no longer safe for patrons to sit on.
  • Mike Barr will resume the plowing this winter.

New Business:

  • Libbet’s group is brainstorming possible films to screen at the Library
  • Request to Town for budget is currently $29,280 and has remained the same since 2013. The Board moved to Executive session.  Discussion followed regarding a raise for Tony and a general request.

Summary of Decisions.  Tony will check on the possibility of ordering from Staples through Calista.  Bill and Peter will meet regarding the position of Treasurer.  Vanessa will alert Bill to the requirements of the position of Treasurer.  Libbet will meet with WRAP regarding film choices.  Milde will continue to respond with thank you notes to contributors.

Adjourned 8:20pm.

Respectfully submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary


Meeting Agenda, 11-28-17

Reading Public Library
Board of Trustees
November 28th, 2017
1. Call to Order
2. Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
3. Query for Changes to Agenda Items
4. Secretary’s Report
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Librarian’s Report
7. Unfinished Business
●Minnie Fay exhibit (ongoing)
8. New Business
●Possible symposium-ongoing discussion
●Budget discussion
●Consider Tony’s request for pay raise
9. Summary of Decisions
10. Items for Next Month
11. Adjourn

Meeting Minutes, October 2017

Gilbert Davis Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

October 24, 2017

Next meeting Tuesday, November 28.

In attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Milde Waterfall, Libbet Downs, Bill Bakker

Called to order at 6:00pm

Agenda changes:  no changes

Secretary’s Report:  Appeal Letter ready for signatures, then mailing.

Treasurer’s Report: Tabled

Librarian’s Report – Jean Goldsborough worked with Tony’s email glitches and solved them.  Pumpkin carving will be Monday at the Library for K thru 6 and at the school for Pre-K and painting pumpkins.  The pumpkins will be displayed at the Library on Halloween and Tony will be handing out treats.

Unfinished Business

  • Appeal Letter – Check written and to be sent to Red House Press. Signed letters and envelopes will be delivered to Claremont tomorrow for mailing.
  • Automation – Tony trained on Monday and Tuesday last week. Tony goes to the Annual Meeting for Catamount on Thursday in Ludlow.  MaryAnn will provide Library coverage.  He will check on info for patrons on the program.  The Board approved Tony’s request to take the volunteers to lunch as a thank you for their hard work.
  • Maintenance – Bill suggested we hold off on the sidewalk work until spring. The Board agreed.
  • Minnie Fay Exhibit – Tony and Bill continue planning the operational matters and logistics.

New Business-

  • Budget – Tabled in Peter’s absence
  • Libbet reported on a project WRAP (Women of Reading) would like to pursue. One member attended the John Brown Symposium and though the group would like to offer films that are issues oriented on evenings in the Library.  Tony shared the issues involved with licensure.  Libbet will go to the group to find possible films and Tony can check the requirements.
  • Vanessa appointed Bill as Acting Treasurer to work with Peter during November in order to be prepared for Peter’s departure.

Summary of Decisions-

  • Milde will write thank you notes and deliver the Appeal Letters to Claremont for mailing.
  • Tony will continue work on automation and take the volunteers out for lunch.
  • Bill will email Peter and plan a meeting before the November meeting.
  • Libbet will meet with WRAP regarding films.

Adjourned at 6:55pm

Meeting Minutes, September 2017

Gilbert Davis Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

September 26, 2017


In attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Milde Waterfall, Libbet Downs, Peter Seman.

Called to order at 6:00pm

Agenda change:  no changes

Secretary’s Report:  All systems in place for Appeal Letter after the Board approves Tony’s draft tonight

Treasurer’s Report:  First Light: We are working down the credit from last year.  At our next meeting Tony will report the details of the changes and discounts relating to First Light.  No other items of consequence in expenditures.

Librarian’s Report – The brick pavers are gone from the backyard.  Tony and Bill are exploring the Minnie Fay exhibit possibilities.  Tony will focus on the narrative of Minnie Fay’s career here.  Bill will work on the display design.

Budget Request for next year and Annual Librarian and Treasurer reports are due to Town by December 1st.  Tony will email details on gifts of commemorative China pieces from Thomas and Lynn Singleton to the Library later.

Maintenance: No news on the sidewalk repair.  The Board would like Bill to continue to contact the contractor to complete the work.

The Letters are up and it was a success. Milde offered special kudos to Peter who insisted that we contract the work to be done in order not to damage the letters and to protect them from water damage.  We briefly discussed important material to be archived regarding the letters and we send a letter to the Gilbert Davis Trust with the newspaper article attached for their records.

Automation- The annual Catamount meeting on October 26th will be in Ludlow and Tony will attend. The system will go live on November 14th.  Training will be scheduled for two days the week of October 16th.

New Business: The Board approved the Appeal Letter and Tony will send it to the printer.  Peter indicated that he would stay on the Board through November but then, after many years of service; he would like to devote his time to other community work.  Milde’s term is also up this year and she will not be returning.  That will leave two open positions on the Board.  Anyone interested should contact Tony or Vanessa prior to Town Meeting.

Summary of Decisions:  Bill will continue to problem solve the sidewalk repair.  Tony will mail the Appeal Letter to the printer.  Milde will pick up the material for the Board to sign at our October meeting and then take it to be mailed.

We adjourned at 6:45pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary

Meeting Agenda, 10-24-17

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees 


Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Call to Order

Approve Minutes from Last Meeting

Query for Changes to Agenda Items

Secretary’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

Librarian’s Report

Unfinished Business

  • Automation
  • Maintainance
  • Minnie Fay
  • Appeal Letter

New Business

  • Halloween
  • Trustee Positions

Summary of Decisions

Items for Next Month’s Agenda









Meeting Agenda, 9-26-17

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees


September 26, 2017


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
  3. Query for Changes to Agenda Items
  4. Secretary’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Librarian’s Report
  7. Unfinished Business



  1. New Business
  2. Summary of Decisions
  3. Items for Next Month
  4. Adjourn


Meeting Agenda, 8-29-17

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees


August 29, 2017

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
  3. Query for Changes to Agenda Items
  4. Secretary’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Librarian’s Report
  7. Unfinished Business



  • portico letters and subsequent celebration
  • brick pacers
  1. New Business
  2. Summary of Decisions
  3. Items for Next Month
  4. Adjourn

Meeting Minutes, June 2017

Gilbert Davis Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

June 27, 2017


In attendance:  Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Milde Waterfall, Libbet Downs


Called to Order at 6:05pm

No changes to Agenda


Secretary’s Report: Note sent to Hall  Art Foundation thanking them for Art Book collection.  Contacted gentlemen at Shelburne Village and we are tentatively set  for September to put the gold leaf letters on the front of the building.  Lavender is doing well and baskets for the cheek walls created by Sharon Harkin are fantastic.


Treasurer’s Report:  Tony reported in Peter’s absence that we ended the year on the penny.


Librarian’s Report:  Jane Cleveland gifted the library with personal notes by her aunt, Marjorie Cleveland Swain.  Libbet also brought notes from Jane.  Marjorie’s  notes share memories of Minnie Fay, with whom she worked.  Tony will respond.

Speaking of Reading will be held in the Library on Old Home Days from 12 noon to 3pm allowing residents to share stories of life in Reading. The library is note hosting the event but offering use of the library space.

Tony offered the Reading Volunteer Fire Department sign, which has been in the Library attic for ten or so years to the Historical Society.

Wayne Shontz has given us a quote for the work needed on the front sidewalk.  The quote is very reasonable.  The Board motioned and  second a motion to accept his offer.  He will start in July.

Tony shared information he had about the potential sale of part of the lot next to the library.   Waiting for confirmation on this sale.


Unfinished Business:  Automation.  On schedule.  Closing in as we are half way through the Early Readers, heading to the Picture Books, and then Juvenile Fiction.  Finished then.

Brief discussion on what to do with the cards in the card catalog.  They are treasured historical documents.


New Business – Next meeting July 25.  Discussed plans for the green space beside the library:  parking, movies, farmer’s market, contra dance, funding for a gazebo.  So many wonderful possibilities.


Summary of Decisions:  Sidewalk repair will start after Old Home Days.


Adjourned at 6:47pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary

Meeting Agenda, 8-1-17

Reading Public Library 

Board of Trustees 


August 1, 2017


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
  3. Query for Changes to Agenda Items
  4. Secretary’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s report
  6. Librarians Report
  7. Unfinished Business



  1. New Business
  2. Summary of Decisions
  3. Items for Next Month’s Agenda
  4. Adjourn