Meeting Minutes, August 2016

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

August 30, 2016


In attendance:  Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Peter Seman, Bill Bakker, Libbet Downs, Milde Waterfall (Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary)

Meeting called to Order at 6:10pm.  Vanessa called for Agenda Changes.  None.  July Minutes approved.

Secretary’s Report.  No response on request for tree pruning.  Peter up-dated the website and will further add details on the Movie with Hall Foundation.

Treasurer’s Report.  We received the refund on the heating bill.

Librarian’s Report.  Covered in New Business.

Unfinished Business.

Still looking for info on cleaning plates on either side of the door outside with veterans’ names.

New Business.

Appeal Letter.  Will go out after tax day.  On schedule.

Automation.   Tony gave a forty-five minute presentation demonstrating the process on three levels.  The Board voted to extend 50 extra hours for Tony’s work.

Brick Path Fundraiser.  Vanessa spoke with Montshire Museum and they directed her to a source to get an estimate.  She has received no response to date.

Hall Art Foundation and Movie Event.  On schedule Peter will soon put info on our website.

Letters Celebration.  Gary Macia wants to install the letters and is working it into his schedule.

Make a Plate.  Lisa Kaija will direction the preparation.

Summary of decisions.

Board agreed on extra hours for Tony’s work with automation.

The Appeal letter will continue on schedule.

Milde will contact Mr. Appleton for tree-pruning information.

Vanessa will get a date from Gary Macia on the Letter attaching.

Adjourned 7:24:30pm