Meeting Minutes, February 2018

Gilbert Davis Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

February 26, 2018

Reminder:  Town Meeting March 3


In attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Milde Waterfall, Libbet Downs, Janet Malcolm, visitor

Called to Order: 6:10pm

Changes to Agenda:  Libbet requested that we discuss possible new Board members in Executive Session

Minutes Approved – Motion by Bill, Second by Janet and Vanessa

Secretary’s Report – No new donations.

Treasurer’s Report – Year to date reports reviewed.  Some anomalies but none of concern.   Milde suggested books be audited between old and new Treasurers.

Librarian’s Report – Tony reported that the Appeal had been a success.  Library Cards were issued to 5th and 6th graders.  Libbet and Tony created a Community Sing A Long for Friday, March 30 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm in the Library.  March 16th Tony is partnering with the Rec Committee to co-sponsor Game Night at the Library.  Libbet and Tony are talking with Cathy Knight about how to involve the Library in the RES.  The card catalog is being prepared for a Seed Exchange.  Tony has secured donations from Herman’s Garden Seed and high Mowing Seeds.

Unfinished Business – Tony and Bill have framed photos of Minnie Fay (placement TBA) Tony has written a narrative regarding Minnie Fay’s time as Librarian and included personal testimonies about Minnie Fay.  Milde suggested that no primary documents be placed in the Memory Book Tony shared with Board last week.  No decision on placement of exhibit in library.

Courier Service – Options for Courier were discussed.  Tony will discuss possibilities for partnership with Hartland Library.

Maintenance – No action or discussion.

New Business – Bill will explore possibilities for our CD and general preparation for Town Meeting discussion regarding our monetary requests.

Summary of Decisions: Bill will explore possibilities with CD, and Minnie Exhibit location. Tony will explore courier potentials with Hartland Library.

*** Tony and Janet leave and Board goes into Executive Session.  Board agrees Request for Tony’s raise will follow approval at Town Meeting and take effect the beginning of the fiscal year. Board agrees on procedure to encourage new board members.


Adjourned: 7:20pm Minutes respectfully submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary.