Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2021
Call to order: 6:03 pm
Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Bill Baker
Minutes approved from last meeting: Heather motioned, Libbet seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda
Secretary’s report: Thank you notes up to date.
Treasurer’s report: On track with budget. New line item added under fees for $141 for workman’s comp for our librarian.
Librarian’s report: Thank you note needed for Jim and Sandy Peplau for hand sewn hearts placed around town.
There are a few programs in the works: Poetry month in April; collaboration with Mary Blood Library to create a poetry stroll. Locations around
Felchville and Brownsville where poems will be posted. Penny Bliss is drawing hand drawn maps with locations.
Seeking seed donations for seed library. There has been difficulty with donations due to COVID but the seed library will continue!
Libbet and Tony are planning virtual story time.
Gerry Marletta is helping Tony choose equipment for podcasting use. Also folks will be able to use equipment and facility in future for personal podcasting use.
Laptop is running much slower due to lots of patron use so Tony will purchase a Mac book pro 13 inch- about $1200. Also AV cart will be purchased.
Library will continue to be run as is and will reassess each month with COVID in mind.
Unfinished Business: Maintenance – No new report
New Business: No new business
Summary of Decisions: New laptop and AC cart to be purchased
Items for next month: Tony’s vacation for April, landscaping.
Next meeting: March 30 6pm via ZOOM
Adjourn: 6:50pm
Respectfully submitted by: Janet Malcolm, secretary