Meeting Minutes, November 2016

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

November 30, 2016


In attendance:  Peter Seman, Libbet Downs, Tony Pikramenos, Milde Waterfall

Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall


Meeting called to Order at 6:10 with Libbet Downs acting as Chair.

Minutes Approved for October 25, 2016

No Agenda Changes


Secretary’s Report:  Fourteen thank you notes sent to those responding to the Appeal Letter.

Lavender and side garden covered to winterize.


Treasurer’s Report: Questions emerged about Fiberconnect refund.  Tony will contact the Department of Libraries.

Discussion of Request for Town Funds.  Libbet made a motion to level Fund the Library this fiscal year ($29,280).  Milde seconded.  Motion carried.

Tony reminded Peter that the Year End Reports are due to Calista by December 15th.


Librarian’s Report:  By switching from Staples in Lebanon to Red House Press in Springfield for the printing of our Appeal Letter we enjoyed a savings of $166.00.

Esther Allen suggested the Red House Press.

The volunteers enjoyed the goodies the Board prepared for them as a thank you for their continued work with the Library.

The Pumpkin Carving for Halloween was a success.

Cocoa and Caroling is on schedule shepherded by Stephen D’Agostino for December 17th.   We are getting support from the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Fire Department, the Town Office,  Chris Titus and Diane Moore.

We agreed that our next meeting will be January 3rd, 2017

The Catamount Annual Meeting, which Tony attended, was productive.  A plan for fewer meetings was encouraging.  Currently there are 13 member libraries with four or five pending.

Tony shared his experience helping the Historical Society move out of the old building into the new building.  We agreed that we are all moving out of old methods and ideas into new possibilities with the Historical Society and the preservation and celebration of Reading.  To that end we will formally invite the Historical Society Executive Board to join our Board of Trustees for our January 31st meeting.  At that time we can explore new opportunities for collaboration.  Tony will write a letter to the members of the Executive Board.


Unfinished Business.  Automation is progressing on schedule. Maintenance. Gardens prepared for winter.


New Business.

Collaboration with Historical Society (see Librarians Report).


Summary of Decisions:

Vanessa and Libbet will go to the bank and complete a transfer of names for official signatures.

Board will provide cookies, cocoa, and candy canes for Santa on December 17th.

Tony will draft a letter to the Historical Society Executive Board for Board’s approval and signatures to invite them to a joint meeting on January 31st 2017

Libbet will remind the school of our celebration on December 17th, 2016


The meeting adjourned at 8:03pm