Gilbert Davis Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 26, 2017
In attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Milde Waterfall, Libbet Downs, Peter Seman.
Called to order at 6:00pm
Agenda change: no changes
Secretary’s Report: All systems in place for Appeal Letter after the Board approves Tony’s draft tonight
Treasurer’s Report: First Light: We are working down the credit from last year. At our next meeting Tony will report the details of the changes and discounts relating to First Light. No other items of consequence in expenditures.
Librarian’s Report – The brick pavers are gone from the backyard. Tony and Bill are exploring the Minnie Fay exhibit possibilities. Tony will focus on the narrative of Minnie Fay’s career here. Bill will work on the display design.
Budget Request for next year and Annual Librarian and Treasurer reports are due to Town by December 1st. Tony will email details on gifts of commemorative China pieces from Thomas and Lynn Singleton to the Library later.
Maintenance: No news on the sidewalk repair. The Board would like Bill to continue to contact the contractor to complete the work.
The Letters are up and it was a success. Milde offered special kudos to Peter who insisted that we contract the work to be done in order not to damage the letters and to protect them from water damage. We briefly discussed important material to be archived regarding the letters and we send a letter to the Gilbert Davis Trust with the newspaper article attached for their records.
Automation- The annual Catamount meeting on October 26th will be in Ludlow and Tony will attend. The system will go live on November 14th. Training will be scheduled for two days the week of October 16th.
New Business: The Board approved the Appeal Letter and Tony will send it to the printer. Peter indicated that he would stay on the Board through November but then, after many years of service; he would like to devote his time to other community work. Milde’s term is also up this year and she will not be returning. That will leave two open positions on the Board. Anyone interested should contact Tony or Vanessa prior to Town Meeting.
Summary of Decisions: Bill will continue to problem solve the sidewalk repair. Tony will mail the Appeal Letter to the printer. Milde will pick up the material for the Board to sign at our October meeting and then take it to be mailed.
We adjourned at 6:45pm
Minutes respectfully submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary