Meeting Agenda, 6-27-17

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees


June 27, 2017


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
  3. Query for Changes to Agenda Items
  4. Secretary’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s report
  6. Librarians Report
  7. Unfinished Business



  1. New Business
  2. Summary of Decisions
  3. Items for Next Month’s Agenda
  4. Adjourn






Meeting Minutes, May 2017

Gilbert Davis Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

May 30, 2017


In attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Peter Seman, Bill Bakker, Vanessa Maxham, Milde Waterfall


Called to Order at 6:10pm

Minutes approved for April 25, 2017

No Changes to Agenda


Secretary’s Report –  Thank you note needed for gift books from Hall Art Foundation.  Will order baskets for the cheek walls from the Greenhouse and gift certificates for volunteers.


Treasurer’s Report – Reviewed month and year end reports.  All on track.  Signatures all approved at bank for checks.


Librarian’s Report – Deferred to Maintenance


Unfinished Business

Automation –  Now in children’s sections.  Projected finish is end of August.

Milde will proceed with plans for putting letters up in September/October

Maintenance – Continue contract with Mason Harkins for library lawn.

Milde will trim lavender and replace plants if needed.


New Business – None


Summary of Decisions:  Milde will contact Shelburn Village regarding letter.  Tony and Peter will prepare year end budget for next meeting.  Milde will work with Greenhouse on baskets and gift certificates.


Adjourned at 7:04


Minutes respectfully submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary


Meeting Agenda, 5-30-17

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees


May 30, 2017


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
  3. Query for Changes to Agenda Items
  4. Secretary’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Librarian’s Report
  7. Unfinished Business



  1. New Business
  2. Summary of Decisions
  3. Items for Next Month
  4. Adjourn


Meeting Minutes, April 2017

Reading Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

April 25th, 2017


In attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Libbet Downs, Peter Seman, Bill Bakker, Vanessa Maxham

Minutes respectfully submitted by Vanessa Maxham

Called to Order at 6:08pm

Minutes approved for March 28th, 2017 meeting

No changes to agenda

Secretary’s Report:


Treasurer’s Report:

Possible Sovernet credit-Tony to research

Materials line increased 10% ($40 annually) on Expenditure Budget due to Listen-Up Vermont. Many library constituents use this service. We had a lengthy conversation in regards to the benefits of continuing this program. More discussions to come.

Automation Over Time (for Tony) discussion

Librarian’s Report: automation going very well

Unfinished Business:

Maintenance: We will be coming up with a building operations/trouble shooting guide, which will help anyone using the building who may have unique situations arise (ie. boiler switch, fireplace, elevator, etc.). We need an update on the gold letters and when they will possibly be put up on the portico.

Discussion at length regarding the library’s Complaint Protocol-signatures on hold at this point.

No New Business

Summary of Decisions:

Trouble Shooting Guide to be compiled. Sovernet Credit? Update on Gold Letters. Verify Authorized signers for checking account. Elevator lesson at next meeting for trustees, and any volunteers.

Meeting adjourned at 7:33pm

Next meeting May 30th, 2017



Meeting Agenda, 4-25-17

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees 


April 25, 2017

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
  3. Query for Changes to Agenda Items
  4. Secretary’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s report
  6. Librarians Report
  7. Unfinished Business



Complaint Policy

  1. New Business
  2. Summary of Decisions
  3. Items for Next Month’s Agenda
  4. Adjourn





Meeting Minutes, March 2017

Reading Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

March 28th, 2017

In attendance:  Libbet Downs, Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Bill Bakker, Milde Waterfall, Secretary.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Milde Waterfall

Called to Order at 6:10pm

Minutes approved for March 2, 2017 meeting.

No changes to Agenda

Secretary’s Report:  None

Treasurer’s Report: Recent budget shared and all on target

Librarian’s Report: Details in New Business

Unfinished Business:

Automation – Rearranged sections in Library.  Reference works now subsumed into larger collection with Dewey Decimal System.  Work on downstairs collection is underway.  Closing in on the entire collection.  Bravo!

Maintenance – Date to re attach gold letters on portico not yet determined.

Snow Removal concerns.  Board of Trustees will follow a

Complaint Protocol: Tony receives a complaint, sends an email identifying the issue to all Board members and calls Chairperson.  Chairperson either calls complainant or designates a Board member to make the call informing the person that the Board is aware of the situation and will follow up on it in relation to its urgency.  Appropriate action will follow.

New Business – Tony takes a vacation in April.  He will email the Board members the dates involved on Thursday.

Summary of Decisions – Tony emails vacation dates.  Board proceeds with Complaint Protocol.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:50pm


Meeting Agenda, 3-28-17

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees


March 28, 2017


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
  3. Query for Changes to Agenda Items
  4. Secretary’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Librarian’s Report
  7. Unfinished Business



  1. New Business
  2. Summary of Decisions
  3. Items for Next Month’s Agenda
  4. Adjourn


Meeting Minutes, February 2017

Reading Library Board of Trustees Meeting

March 2, 2017


In attendance:  Libbet Downs, Milde Waterfall, Bill Bakker, Tony Pikramenos

Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary

In Vanessa’s absence Libbet called the meeting to order at 6:10pm.

Query for Changes to the Agenda – Libbet suggested we focus on the two objectives for Town Meeting , the only actions requiring immediate attention and table the rest of the Agenda.  Milde, Bill, and Tony agreed.

New Business:  Town Meeting.  Milde will nominate Vanessa and Libbet will second the motion.  Tony will prepare remarks amplifying the reasons listed by the Historical Society in the Town report if its appropriate.

Milde motioned that we adjourn at 6:30pm.  Libbet seconded.  Meeting adjourned.



Meeting Agenda, 3-2-17

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees

February Agenda


Meeting rescheduled

to March 2, 2017

@ 6 P.M.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
  3. Query for Changes to Agenda Items
  4. Secretary’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s report
  6. Librarians Report
  7. Unfinished Business



  1. New Business

Town Meeting Items

  1. Summary of Decisions
  2. Items for Next Month’s Agenda
  3. Adjourn





Meeting Agenda, 1-31-17

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees


January 31, 2017


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
  3. Query for Changes to Agenda Items
  4. Secretary’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s report
  6. Librarians Report
  7. Unfinished Business



  1. New Business

Collaboration w/local organizations

  1. Summary of Decisions
  2. Items for Next Month’s Agenda
  3. Adjourn