Meeting Agenda, 5-31-16

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees


May 31st, 2016


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
  3. Query for Changes to Agenda Items
  4. Secretary’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Librarian’s Report
  7. Unfinished Business
  • Automation
  • Maintenance
  • Collaboration with Historical Society
  • Remaining Budget Dollars
  1. New Business
  • Community & Automation
  • Herb Garden / Landscaping
  1. Summary of Decisions
  2. Items for Next Month’s Agenda
  3. Adjourn

Librarian’s Note, May 2016

We have free passes available for VINS in Quechee, the American Precision Museum in Windsor, the Billings Farm & Museum in Woodstock, and the Vermont History Museum, with branches in Montpelier and Barre; and we have reduced-price passes for Echo Aquarium and Science Center in Burlington.

HeritageQuest is a database providing patrons with research materials for tracing family history and American culture. Search in City Directories, Slave Schedules, U.S. Indian Census Rolls, Mortality Schedules, Agricultural and Industrial Schedules, the Veterans Schedule, U.S. Federal Census images, family and local histories, the Revolutionary War Era Pension & Bounty-land Warrant Application Files, or the Freedman’s Bank. Library patrons can access this database for free from anywhere there’s an Internet connection. Call, e-mail, or come by the library to obtain the login information.

Because of a lack of storage space, Reading Public Library can no longer accept donations of books. You can try one of the neighboring libraries or Violet’s Book Exchange in Claremont. If the books are in poor condition, you can put them in the recycling bin with the newspapers at the dump.

Our library is a provider of free and continuous public access to a fiber internet connection via 24/7 Wi-Fi. Some of our patrons depend on our service because they have no broadband Internet at home, or have unreliable or inadequate broadband. As their needs change, our capacity will increase to meet those needs.

Libraries give curious minds the opportunity to sample outside their comfort zones. A good library will feature a collection of materials that will surprise and delight patrons—making available to them ideas they might otherwise have missed.


Meeting Minutes, April 2016

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

April 26, 2016


In attendance:  Libbet Downs, Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Peter Seman, Bill Bakker, Milde Waterfall

Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary


Meeting called to order at 6:05pm

Vanessa called for Agenda changes.  None.

March 29, 2016 Minutes approved as written.

Secretary’s Report – None

Treasurer’s Report – All accounts in good order.  Trustees reviewed spreadsheets provided.

Librarian’s Report – Moving forward with Catamount workshop on Friday, April 29th, 2016.  Bill will attend with Tony.  May Day Program is ready to go.  Flyers given to Libbet for RES.

Unfinished Business –

Automation – Friday, 1pm (April 29)

Maintenance – No new information

Preservation Week sponsored by the Vermont Historical Society (April 24 – 30) RPL will post links to information for citizens to care for collections, family heirlooms, and other precious items.

The Library will continue to collaborate on ideas with the Reading Historical Society as they move to their new location.  The Board will discuss next year’s Preservation week – April 23 – 29 for ideas for participation.

New Business – The Board discussed landscaping concerns and Tony will contact Mason Harkins to renew his contract.  Milde requested support to expand the lavender on the walkway with the help of the Garden Center and request two baskets for the front of the library.   Remaining budget dollars discussion tabled.

Summary of Decisions – Tony and Vanessa will proceed with the May Day celebration. Tony and Bill will attend the automation workshop. Milde will proceed with landscaping plans and necessary correspondence.  Tony and Milde will assemble and post information on Preservation Week for the Library website.

Items for next Agenda – Automation, Landscaping, Maintenance, Discussion of budget dollars.

Adjourned at 7:26pm

Meeting Minutes, March 2016

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

March 29, 2016


In attendance:  Libbet Downs, Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Peter Seman, Bill Bakker, Milde Waterfall

Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary


Meeting called to order at 6:05pm

Libbet called for Agenda changes.  None.

February 23, 2016 Minutes approved as written.

Secretary’s Report – Noted current status of Letters from Justin Mayo.  All on track in final stage.

Treasurer’s Report – Expenses on track.  Budget outlook bright.

Librarian’s Report – Tony announced his collaboration with Vanessa for the May Day Program for kids, April 30 at the library. Details available closer to the date.

Unfinished business

Automation – Bar codes activated and ready to go.  Training can start when Catamount gives the green light having recruited trainers.

Maintenance – As noted in Secretary’s report the Letter project proceeds punctually.

Cleaning – Still sparkling.

Davis Trust – Letter sent to Mr. Carleton sharing financial reports and looking forward to Trust yearly report.

Librarian’s Vacation – With the help of volunteers and Trustees the library will be open while Tony is away during the following hours:

April 9 – 9am – 11am

April 12 – 12pm – 4 pm

April 14 – 10am to 3pm

April 16 – 9am to 11am

April 19 – 12pm – 4pm

April 21 – 1pm to 3:30pm

New Business

Discussion followed looking forward to collaborating with the Historical Society on storage and display of objects and documents of mutual interest.

Election of Officers – Vanessa Maxham elected Chairwoman,  Milde Waterfall elected Secretary, Peter Seman elected Treasurer.

Summary of Decisions– Peter will send an end of year report to the Davis Trust. Trustees are responsible for coverage in Tony’s absence.  Tony will follow through with training for automation.  Vanessa will pursue May Day plans.

Items for Next Agenda – Automation, Maintenance, Mowing, Community Service, May Day Program, Collaboration with Historical Society.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:26pm


Meeting Minutes, February 2016

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

February 23, 2016


In attendance:  Libbet Downs, Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Peter Seman, Milde Waterfall

Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 6:05pm

Libbet called for Agenda changes.  None.

January 26th Minutes approved as written.

Secretary’s Report – None

Treasurer’s Report – As expected, heating bills are rising.

Librarian’s Report – Received a few more donations.  The Reading Energy Commission will meet at the Library on Thursday.  Tony delivered the Dorothy Canfield Fisher and Red Clover books to the school.  The events passes are being checked out regularly.

Unfinished business

Automation – Milde attended the Catamount meeting.  Work is proceeding.  Tony is securing the needed hardware.

Maintenance – Letter Restoration moving forward.

Cleaning – Library sparkles now.

Davis Trust – Agreement to thank Mr. Carleton and respond with a thank you and an understanding that we will receive regular reports from the bank.

New Business

Trustee Position – We will nominate Libbet at Town Meeting.

Town meeting – All documents ready.  February 27th

Vacation – Tony will be out the following days and will need coverage:

April 9, April 12, April 14, April 16, April 19, April 21.  We will need to keep the library open on those days for a minimum of 2 hours.  Decision to be made at next meeting.

Summary of Decisions–  Milde will draft letter to Davis Trust. Tony will continue to move forward with Automation.  We will nominate Libbet at Town Meeting.

Items for Next Agenda – Up-date on Letter Restoration, Automation, Election of Officers, Vacation plans covered.

Meeting adjourned at 7:17pm

Meeting Agenda, 4-26-16

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees


(April 26, 2016)

Call to order / Thank Libbet for her years of service as Chairwoman

Approve minutes from last meeting

Query for any changes to agenda items

Secretary’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

Librarian’s Report

Unfinished Business

  • Automation
  • Maintenance
  • Preservation Week / Collaboration with Historical Society

New Business

  • Mowing
  • Herb Garden; landscaping
  • Remaining Budget Dollars

Summary of decisions

Items for next agenda: Automation, Maintenance, Remaining Budget Dollars, Herb Garden / landscaping.


Meeting Minutes, January 2016

Reading Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 26, 2016

In attendance: Bill Bakker, Libbet Downs, Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Milde Waterfall
Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary

Meeting called to order at 6:05pm
Libbet called for Agenda changes. None.
January 5th minutes approved as written.
Secretary’s Report – All thank you notes up to date.
Treasurer’s Report – None
Librarian’s Report – All points on the agenda to be discussed.

Unfinished Business-

Automation –Tony is communicating with the Catamount Group in selecting and ordering Bar Code Labels and Bar Code Scanners. We do not need new Library cards and we have tabled the purchase of a Receipt Printer. The next step with is a Catamount Representative will give a tutorial on the use of the equipment. Milde will attend the Catamount meeting at the West Rutland Library on Thursday.

Maintenance – Letter Restoration moving forward.
Cleaning – Position filled.
Davis Trust correspondence – Tabled.

New Business – None

Summary of Decisions – Tony follows up on Automation. Milde Goes to Rutland Meeting. Cleaning arrangements will proceed.

Items for Next Agenda – Town Meeting, Automation, Davis Trust

Meeting adjourned at 6:35pm

Meeting Agenda, 2-23-16

Reading Public Library
Board of Trustees


(February 23, 2016)

1. Call to order

2. Approve minutes from last meeting

3. Query for any changes to agenda items

4. Secretary’s Report

5. Treasurer’s Report

6. Librarian’s Report

7. Unfinished Business
• Automation
• Maintenance
• Cleaning
• Davis Trust

8. New Business
• Trustee Position
• Town Meeting
• Vacation

9. Summary of decisions

10. Items for next agenda: Automation, Maintenance, Davis Trust, Election of Officers, Vacation.

11. Adjourn

Meeting Agenda, 1-26-16

Reading Public Library
Board of Trustees


(January 26, 2016)

1. Call to order

2. Approve minutes from last meeting

3. Query for any changes to agenda items

4. Secretary’s Report

5. Treasurer’s Report

6. Librarian’s Report

7. Unfinished Business
• Automation
• Maintenance
• Cleaning
• Davis Trust

8. New Business

9. Summary of decisions

10. Items for next agenda: Automation, Maintenance, Davis Trust, Town Meeting, Vacation.

11. Adjourn

Meeting Minutes, December 2015

Reading Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 5, 2016
(Meeting rescheduled from December 29, 2015)

In Attendance: Bill Bakker, Peter Seman, Libbet Downs, Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Milde Waterfall
Minutes submitted by Mildred Waterfall, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 6:05pm
Libbet called for Agenda changes. Non.
December 4, 2015 minutes approved as written.

Secretary’s Report – Two thirds of the thank you notes to patrons for the Appeal are complete. Thank you notes for the Caroling gathering are underway. Secretary recommends note in Informer inviting people to send email address to the Library Email ([email protected]) to keep them informed of Library Events. Special thanks to Heather Evans for donating a Suspended Worlds book, Jean Goldsborough for donating the DVD, Hungry Heart, and Mr. and Mrs. Hall for generously supporting the restoration of the Library letters damaged in the summer.

Treasurer’s Report- The Organization report, Annual Report is reading for the Town Meeting.

Librarian’s Report – Our holiday event was attended by nearly 50 people (27 kids) and was a success. Santa was delighted. Tony has invited the pre-school for story time and continues working with the school on the Dorothy Canfield Fisher and Red Clover projects. We are receiving an encouraging response on the Appeal Letter.

Unfinished Business.
Automation – Tony has finished weeding the collection, contacted Russ Moore, Catamount, to confirm our readiness, and Wendy Sharkey, the System Admin for Catamount is ready to work with us. We now establish next steps.
Maintenance – With the generous gift from Mr. and Mrs. Hall we can proceed with the restoration of the letters on the Portico. The Board voted unanimously to proceed. The prison, the elevator repair and other repairs by Mike Barr have been completed and paid for.
Davis Trust – Peter is moving forward on this communication. Milde will send one more letter to the Trustee requesting annual reports on the fund in consonance with the Probate Court ruling.
Cleaning – Deb Macia has accepted our offer.

New Business – Milde shared the communication from Chris Hadsel regarding the use and storage for the stage curtains at the Town Hall. In addition the Historical Society was pleased with our participation in the event and looks forward to more collaboration. We will request that the Town Clerk post the Storage and Use rules for the curtains on the Town Website.

Summary of Decisions.
Milde will transport the letters to Justin Mayo to complete restoration.
Tony and Milde will craft a letter to the Davis Trust
Tony will contact Deb Macia.

Items for next Agenda.
Davis Trust
Community Service with 6th grade

We adjourned at 7:30pm