Meeting Minutes, February 2020

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees meeting minutes

February 25, 2020


  1. Call to order – 6.07 PM – Attendees: Vanessa Maxham, Heather Evans, Bill Bakker, Libbet Downs, Tony Pikramenos. Absent: Janet Malcolm
  2. Approve minutes from last meeting – motion and seconded, minutes approved
  3. Query for changes to the agenda – None suggested
  4. Secretary’s report – all thank you notes for annual appeal donations have been sent
  5. Treasurer’s report
    1. Budget on track for end of year
  6. Annual appeal donations have been successful. Still a few coming in
  1. Librarian’s report
    1. Courier service, in partnership with Hartland Library, will be paid in January and annually in January going forward. The cost is $260.00 per year
    2. Propane tank meters need some repairs, which will be done by Irving in the spring or early summer
    3. Hallowanukkah candle is still li and guesses continue to come in for the day it will stop “burning”
  2. Unfinished business – maintenance – currently no outstanding maintenance projects
  3. New business – programs
    1. Silent book club is planned for March 4, 18, and April 1
    2. Seed library is ready and we have received some seed donations, with more on the way
    3. Community Sing-along scheduled for March 27
    4. Tony is currently planning a screwball comedy film series for May with films fro the 40s or 50s
    5. A monthly series, titled “Twelve Ephemerals,” is being developed. This will be a series of short programs
  4. Summary of decisions – board voted and agreed to annual payment for courier service
  5. Items for next month – nothing new to add beyond what is typically discussed
  6. Adjourn – 6:58 PM

Meeting Minutes, January 2020

Reading Library Board Meeting Minutes
January 28th, 2020
In attendance: Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos
Absent: Janet Malcolm, Bill Bakker
Call to order: 6:04pm
Minutes approved from November meeting; Libbet motioned, Heather seconded, all in agreement.
No changes to agenda items
No secretary’s report-absent
No treasurer’s report-absent
Librarian’s report:
Appeal fundraiser finishing strong at $4,575.00
Christmas Tree program went very well, lots of people enjoyed the lighting and community gathering.
The Reading Elementary children involved in the after school program have been coming to the library on Thursday afternoons to craft, read, play games, etc.
Aging in Place has been meeting regularly at the library.
The new chairs (30) that were ordered for the library were delivered on Christmas Eve!
Magazine prices have sky-rocketed in the last few years and therefore Tony has chosen to decrease the amount of magazines we subscribe to. He has chosen to keep the ones that patrons read/check out most often: Yankee, Consumer Reports, Nat Geo, Kirkus Review, Sun, New Yorker, VT Standard, and a couple children’s magazines.
The library owns some typewriters and Tony has an idea forming to utilize them with patrons. . . stay tuned.
Unfinished Business: none
New Business: none
Summary of Decisions: nothing voted on
Items for next month: Programming to begin in March
Next meeting: February 25th, 2020
Adjourn: 6:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Vanessa Maxham, chair

Meeting Minutes, November 2019

Reading Public Library

Board Meeting Minutes


Date: November 19, 2019

Meeting commenced: 6:15 after signing appeal letters

Present: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm, Libbet Downs

Minutes from last meeting: Motion to approve by Janet, second by Libbet, all in agreement

Query for changes to agenda items: Libbet motions to add budget discussion for 2021 under new business, Vanessa seconds, all in favor.

Secretarys report: Working on thank you notes for 2019 appeal letter

Treasurers report: Budget on track up to October 2019

Librarians report: Fundraising letter has been sent out and we are waiting on invoice from Quality mailing house. Make-a-plate orders have been sent in and should arrive mid December. Halloween pumpkin carving at the library was a great success with the RES students. Thank you to Lisa Kaija, Vanessa Maxham, and Libbet Downs for helping! On Halloween, Tony handed out candy and lit the pumpkins which was fun for the town. The town tree lighting ceremony will be on December 7th at 6:30 pm. Reading Rec is co-sponsoring this event again with the library. The library trustees are donating cookies. 30 chairs have been ordered and are due to ship on November 22. Tony will be out of town and the library will be closed on December 26th. The next board meeting will be January 28th.

Unfinished business:

-maintenance: discussion regarding sidewalk repair was decided to be tabled until Bill is in attendance

New business: Janet makes a motion to request level funding for 2021, Libbet seconds, all in favor. Motion passed to request level funding for 2021.

Summary of decisions: Library will be closed December 26, the trustees will bake cookies for tree lighting ceremony, no board meeting in December, motion passed to request level funding for 2021.

Items for next month: No new items

Meeting Adjourned: 6:31

Date of next meeting: January 28th




Meeting Minutes, October 2019

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes

Date: October 29, 2019
Meeting commenced: 6:15 after signing appeal letters
Present: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Heather Evans, Janet Malcolm, Bill Bakker, Libbet Downs
Minutes from last meeting: Motion to approve by Bill, second by Heather, all in agreement
Secretary’s report: No new report
Treasurer’s report: Budget on track as of September 30th
Librarian’s report: Tony did some research on the stapler that has been at the library since he has been there and discovered this stapler was made between 1946-1956 and is in amazing condition!
Tony attended Catamount Consortium meeting in Rutland along with 19 other librarians. There are now 20 libraries in the consortium as opposed to 14 when our library joined.
Make-a-plate went well at the library and although less were in attendance this year as compared to other years, a few families reached out to make them at home and bring them back to library.
30 pumpkins for K-3 RES students were purchased for pumpkin carving taking place at the library on 10/31.
Tony presented option to order 30 new chairs from Mity-Lite for programming at the library considering the current chairs are very old , heavy and difficult to store and set up. Libbet made a motion to purchase 30 chairs from Mity-Lite for library programming. Bill seconds this motion and there was a unanimous yes. Tony will follow up with Mity-Lite to purchase these.
Unfinished business:
There was an issue with the propane fireplace insert and Irving came out and repaired it free of charge. They did mention in the future the insert may need to be replaced since it is 20 years old and the on/off switch can be temperamental.
New business: No new business
Summary of decisions: Tony will follow up with Mity-Lite regarding chair purchase. Pumpkin carving is this Thursday at the library with the K-3 RES students
Items for next month: No new items
Meeting Adjourned: 6:55
Date of next meeting: Meeting for next month will take plave on November 19, 2019 instead of November 26th.

Meeting Minutes, August 2019

Reading Public Library

Board Meeting Minutes

Date: August 27, 2019

Meeting commenced: 6:10

Present: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Heather Evans, Janet Malcolm, Bill Bakker

Minutes from last meeting: Motion to approve by Heather, second by Bill, all in agreement

Secretarys report: Quality Mailing House payment delivered for appeal letter mailing

Treasurers report: Town report completed! Budget up to date for previous fiscal year and for July 2019

Librarians report: Thank you note needed for Annie and Jean for astro disk. Also a thank you note needed for Gerald Gambone fixing the oak table for $15. The last comic club camp was great success and the kids loved it. A student from the White River Junction school came to present. Comcast router was reactivated to provide service to Puddledock park. Tony will check with Lisa Kaija if she is interested in doing the herb program again with the RES students. Vanessa and Janet will reach out to John Hansen to inquire if any support from the Reading Public library is wanted for the RES library

Unfinished business:

  • Maintenance- Bill talked with Jane Cleveland next to the library regarding property grounds keeping. Attached is a letter from Bill to Jane and a map outlining where the library landscaper will mow.

New business: Tony spoke with Hartland library about paying twice a year instead of four times a year. This is OK with Hartland so a check will be sent in July and January to cover $260/ year. They will reimburse if the currier program goes away.

Summary of decisions: All in agreement with mowing agreement with Jane Cleveland.

Items for next month: Folding chair purchase

Meeting Adjourned: 6:52

Date of next meeting: September 24, 2019




Meeting Minutes, July 2019

Reading Library Board

Meeting Minutes

July 30th, 2019

In attendance​: Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos.

Absent​: Janet Malcolm, Bill Bakker.

Call to order: 6:08 p.m.

Minutes approved from May meeting; Heather motioned Libbet seconded, all in agreement. No changes to agenda items.

No secretary’s report-absent.

No treasurer’s report-absent.

Librarian’s report​: The library’s budget will remain flat/even for the 2019/20 fiscal year ($32,300).

Unfinished Business​: Discussed a beautiful antique wobbly/wobbly computer table that is used in the library and needs repair. Heather motioned for Tony to contact Gerry Gambone to possibly fix, Libbet seconded, all in agreement, motion passed.

New Business​: Discussed grounds care/mowing of library; need to follow-up with Bill (trustee) who is handling contracts/agreements.

Discussed possibility of participating in Reading’s Ducky Derby event in September ‘19 -declined to participate in this years Derby; Libbet motioned to ‘pass’ on Derby day Heather seconded, all in agreement, motion passed. The board would be open to consider for 2020 Derby if it continues.

Discussion regarding ongoing courier service with Hartland Library and whether to pay for courier service annually vs. quarterly. Tony to follow-up with Nancy, librarian in Hartland.

Summary of Decisions​: Declining Ducky Derby Day ‘19. Tony to discuss courier payments with Hartland Librarian. Vanessa to contact Bill re: mowing. Tony to contact Mr. Gambone re: computer table.

Items for next month​: Courier to New Business, Maintenance to Unfinished.

Adjourn​: 6:53 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Vanessa Maxham, chair.

Meeting Minutes, May 2019

Reading Public Library

Board Meeting Minutes


Date: May 28, 2019

Meeting commenced: 6:05

Present: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Janet Malcolm, Bill Bakker

Minutes from last meeting: Motion to approve by Janet, second by Libbet.

Secretarys report: Thank you note sent to Darci for providing snacks during story times. Thank you card to be sent out to Jane Philpin for donation of a gorgeous wooden bocce ball set; also a half dozen card games. Thank you card to be sent to Maryann Allcroft for donation of 10 books, 30 movie DVD’s, and 15 watercolor paintings by Evelyn Mildner. Thank you card to be sent to

Westminster crackers for donation of oyster crackers.

Treasurers report: End of the fiscal year numbers being finalized. Tony will be ordering new children’s books. Bill will contact family member of Glibert A. Davis regarding the Gilbert A. Davis trust fund to inquire about an annual report. Bill motions to approve Harkins boys for library lawn service for $28 per mowing. Libbet seconds and unanimous yes.

Librarians report: Herb garden planted by Libbet, Heather and Tony.

Comic book club met on May 25th and will meet again one Saturday in June and August

Unfinished business: None

New business: None

Summary of decisions: Bill will look into Gilbert A. Davis. Tony and Bill working on end of the fiscal year numbers. Harkins boys will be doing lawn care for library.

Items for next month: Talk about expanding Tony’s hours for courier service so he won’t need to submit each month.

Computer table needs maintenance

Meeting Adjourned: 6:52

Date of next meeting: June 25, 2019




Meeting Minutes, October 2018

Reading Public Library Board Meeting Minutes

Date: October 23, 2018

Meeting commenced: 6:30 after signing fundraising letters.

Present: Vanessa Maxham, Heather Evans, Bill Bakker, Janet Malcolm, Tony Pikramenos

Minutes from last meeting: Motion to approve by Vanessa, second by Heather

Secretarys report: The appeal letters are signed and will be dropped off tomorrow at Quality Mailing House in Claremont. Janet spoke with Dale and they are all set to receive letters.

Treasurers report: Provided the board with updated monthly numbers for the budget.

Librarians report:

  • Make a Plate was a great success with lots of attendance!
  • Becca White will come to library November 8th at 6 pm for a solar and home energy savings program with Q and A.
  • 31 RES student’s pumpkin carving with Lisa Kaija.
  • Waiting on Irving to come to check fireplace.
  • Maintenance- Mike Barr is retiring after years of snow removal service for the library. David Carbee has given a quote the same price as  Mike Barr. Vanessa motioned to hire David Carbee for snow removal, Heather second. Unanimous vote yes by board.
  • Thank you notes to be sent to Jean Goldsborough for donating printer and scanner and Mike Barr for years of snow removal.
  • Thursday Oct. 25, Tony will be away all day for annual Catamount conference. Library will be closed and Tony will be reimbursed for mileage and time.

New Business: no new business

Summary of decisions:

  • Tony will contact David Carbee for snow removal
  • Janet will drop appeal letters to be mailed to Quality Mailing House tomorrow.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:10

Date of next meeting: November 27, 2018.



Meeting Minutes, September 2018

Library Board Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2018


Attendees: Heather Evans, Vanessa Maxham, Bill Bakker, Tony Pikramenos, Esther Allen

  1. Call to order at 6:15 PM
  2. New business – Audit of library checkbook
    • Esther Allen reviewed the findings and recommendations for improved management and clarity of the library’s checkbook. The treasurer will work and making additional changes and improved recordkeeping in line with her recommendations
  3. Approve minutes from last meeting – Minutes approved by board
  4. Query for changes to the agenda – Except for moving New Business to the first item, there were no additional changes
  5. Secretary’s report – No report this evening
  6. Treasurer’s report
    • Treasurer reviewed the current expenses and budget for FY19
    • Sidewalk repair has been completed. The board approved the use of library checkbook funds to pay for the maintenance
  7. Librarian’s report
    • Soffit repairs have been completed
    • Snow plowing – Our current person has retired, so we are searching for a new person
    • Game night on Sept 21 was a success. Next game night will be in October
    • Upcoming programs
      1. Sept 26 – Herb program with RES K-1
      2. Oct 20 – Make a Plate
  • Oct 31 – Pumpkin carving
  1. Becca White solar information program sometime in the fall
  • Several new books have been recently purchased
  • Vanessa has created a list of the names and dates of service for all the town‘s librarians. We are considering how best to display and recognize all our librarians
  • Annual appeal letter is being created and will go out after the next board meeting
  1. New business Next board meeting date
    • The board approved a change in the next meeting date to Oct 23 (one week earlier) to allow annual appeal letters to go out earlier
  2. Summary of decisions – Bill reviewed all decisions and action items
  3. Adjourn at 7:45 PM

Meeting Minutes, August 2018

Reading Public Library Board Meeting Minutes 

Date: August 28, 2018

Meeting commenced:  6:11

Present:  Vanessa Maxham, Heather Evans, Libbet Downs, Tony Pikramenos.


Minutes from the last two meetings (July 18 and August 16 – Special Meeting): Motion to approve by Heather, seconded by Libbet.

Secretary’s Report: no new report.

Treasurer’s Report: treasurer was not present.  Question of clarification on what line the courier fees are located in the budget.

Librarian’s Report:  Because the fiber connection did not reach as far as Puddledock Park, a new network was created using Comcast modem and router.  The new network is called Puddledock Park.  Thank yous go to Jane Philpin for lending her finger labyrinths for the past year, and to JD Cross for watering the herb and flower garden.

Discussion about a fall project with the K-1 class from RES with the assistance of Lisa Kaija.

The Rec Commission and the Library are hosting an indoor game night on September 21.

The Library will hold a Make-a-Plate workshop from 10-2 on October 20.

Pumpkin carving and decorating will happen the week of Halloween.

Unfinished Business:  Dave Appleton pruned and fertilized the apple tree in the front yard.  The sidewalk and step cement repairs have been started.  Discussion on the questions of repairing the sofit that has been damaged by woodpecker holes.  James Brower gave an estimate of $390 to do the repairs.  Vanessa made a motion to proceed with hiring him.  Libbet seconded. Motion to hire Brower passed.

Summary of Decisions: Tony will contact Lisa Kaija about K-1 project ideas.  Tony will go forward with hiring James Brower to make the repairs on the soffit.

Meeting adjourned: 7:11

Date of next meeting: September 25, 2018

Minutes respectfully submitted by Libbet Downs, Library Board Member.