Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2023
1. Call to order 6:12/ Attendance: Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm, Tony Pikramenos, Heather Evans
2. Minutes approved from last meeting: Vanessa motions, Heather seconds, all in favor
3. No changes to current agenda
4. Secretary’s Report: Several thank you notes need to be sent
5. Treasurer’s Report: no new report
6. Librarian’s report: Gerry and Tony have recorded three podcasts! There is a link for the podcast on the library site. Lisa Kaija did a beautiful wood cut for the podcast name “Night Mail”.
7. Unfinished Business: Maintenance: Hoping to put some insulation in the attic but there is not enough space to put enough insulation to be cost effective. Bill Neukomm does recommend putting in two heat pumps which is large cost upfront but going forward would save money. Vanessa will email Bill Baker to ask him to coordinate with Bill Neukomm to come to the next meeting to talk about our options for energy efficiency. Heather has a lead for sidewalk repair.
8. New Business: none
9. Summary of Decisions: Vanessa will follow up with Bill. We’re going to celebrate birthdays with yummy treats at our meetings! January 19 – Tony ; March 17 – Heather ; June 11 – Janet ; July 2 -Vanessa. We’ll find out Bill and Libbet’s birthdays!
10. Items for Next Month: Hoping to have Bill Neukomm at meeting
11. Adjourn: 6:49
Respectfully submitted by Janet Malcolm