Meeting Minutes, May 2021

Reading Public Library

meeting minutes

May 25th, 2021

Call to order: 6:12pm

Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans,

Bill Bakker Absent: library chair Vanessa Maxham

Minutes approved from last meeting; Janet motioned, Libbet seconded, all in favor.

No changes to the current agenda.

Secretary’s Report: No new report

Treasurer’s Report: treasurer reported on the status of the budget for the current fiscal year

Librarian’s Report:

Herb garden is planted and doing great!

Libbet will water herb garden while Tony is on vacation.

The CDC guidelines are quickly changing, but we are going to keep things the way they are until after our June meeting. We will reassess then.

Unfinished Business:

Maintenance: part of the library’s (hours open) sign has come loose and needs to be fixed.

New Business: No new business

Summary of Decisions: Library will continue as is

Items for next month: Library re-opening

Adjourn: 6:43pm

Next meeting: June 29th

Respectfully submitted by Janet Malcolm, secretary