Meeting Minutes, January 2022

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2022
Call to order: 6:10 pm
Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Janet Malcolm, Heather Evans, Bill Baker.
Minutes approved from last meeting: Janet motioned, Heather seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda.
Secretary’s report: Thank you notes up to date.
Treasurer’s report: On track with budget.
Librarian’s report: We have $6,577 in donations from the appeal letter! Tony is compiling a list of books to order with the grant money. Libbet and Tony have decided on dates for children story time: March 15, 22, 29, April 5. EC fiber question- We currently pay $1900/year for phone and internet. How much will EC Fiber cost for same or faster speed?
Unfinished Business: Maintenance – No new report.
Grant Policy– Discussed town grant policy and decided on next steps.
New Business: No new business.
Summary of Decisions: Janet will ask John about EC fiber costs.
Items for next month: EC fiber; maintenance- sidewalk repair.
Adjourn: 7:07 pm
Respectfully submitted by: Janet Malcolm, secretary.

Meeting Minutes, December 2021

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
January 4, 2022
Call to order: 6:06 pm
Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Bill Baker.
Minutes approved from last meeting: Janet motioned, Heather seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda.
Secretary’s report: Thank you notes up to date.
Treasurer’s report: On track with budget.
Librarian’s report: Current total from appeal letter donations is $5,235. New library sign is up! Total cost is $371. Annual librarian’s report sent in. Sophie is volunteering here at the library and is loving it. Tony wrote a paragraph in the Aging in Place booklet put together by Sarah Norcross detailing what resources and the library has to offer. Libbet and Edward got married at the library! Tree lighting ceremony went great. Libbet and Tony will make a plan for story time at the library. Pre- K teacher would like to bring kids to the library for story time. Tony will be in touch with RES staff. Department of libraries gave materials for summer reading program.
Unfinished Business: none.
Maintenance: No new report.
New Business:
Grant Policy: Bill and Tony provided insight on the town’s grant policy.
Summary of Decisions: story time plans.
Items for next month: Grant policy.
Adjourn: 6:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by: Janet Malcolm, secretary.

Meeting Minutes, October 2021

Reading Public Library

Board Meeting Minutes

October 26, 2021

Appeal letter preparation: 6:00 pm

Call to order: 7:05 pm

Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm, Heather Evans, Bill Baker, Libbet Downs

Minutes approved from last meeting: Janet motioned, Heather seconded, all in favor, approved.

No changes to the current agenda 

Secretary’s report: No new report

Treasurer’s report: Current budget on track

Librarian’s report: Make a plate was a success. Pumpkin carving will happen this week with the students at RES. Appeal letters have been prepared. Received a 2,000 grant to buy children’s books!

Unfinished Business:

Maintenance – Vanessa met with Steve Giroux and he quoted $325-$350 for new sign outside library

Annual Appeal- Letters are signed and ready to be mailed

Annual Budget- We are putting in a budget request to the town for $32,300. Heather motioned to approve , Libbet seconded and all approved.

New Business:

Summary of Decisions: Vanessa will follow up with Steve Giroux about the sign.  Budget request will be made to the town for $32,300.

Items for next month:

Next meeting: Tuesday November 30, 2021

Adjourn: 7:35 pm

Respectfully submitted by: Janet Malcolm, secretary

Meeting Minutes, September 2021

Board of Trustees Meeting – September 28, 2021
Attendees – Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Heather Evans, Bill Bakker
Not in attendance – Libbet Downs, Janet Malcolm
1. Call to order – 6:08 PM
2. Approve minutes from last meeting – Motion made, seconded, and all were in favor
3. Public comments – None
4. Query for changes to the agenda – no changes proposed
5. Secretary report – no report this month
6. Treasurer report – Library budget has about 27500 remaining for the fiscal year and the checkbook has just over 24000. All checks written at the end of FY21 were cashed within FY21
7. Librarian report
1. Make a plate event is being planned. Details still under development
regarding how to ensure public safety
2. Story time with Libbet being developed and considered for November
3. Pumpkin carving for Halloween will be done at the school in partnership
with Lisa Kaija
8. Unfinished business
1. Maintenance – Library sign. Trustees with discuss the project with various vendors to get proposals
2. ECFiber – we will discuss moving phone and internet to ECFiber in the
winter for transition in July once contract with Comcast ends
3. Annual appeal – Tony will write the letter and contact printers. Goal is to
send out the appeal letters in early November
9. New business – None this month
10. Summary of decisions
11. Items for next month – signs, annual appeal
12. Adjourn – 6:41 PM
Next Meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2021

Meeting Minutes, August 2021

Reading Public Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
In attendance – Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Bill Bakker
1. Call to order at 6:08
2. Approve minutes from last meeting – Motion made and seconded. Minutes approved
3. Public comments – None
4. Query for changes to the agenda – No changes
5. Secretary’s report – None
6. Treasurer’s report – Nothing noteworthy for this fiscal year yet. Expenses are on track as expected.
7. Librarian’s report
a. Elevator inspection has been completed and the lift has passes inspection
b. Phone and internet – We are not under contract with Consolidated Communications and can make changes to our phone service provider at any time. We are under contract with FirstLight through June, 2022.The board will discuss changes to internet service provider at a future meeting to evaluate if there are cost savings by switching to ECFiber
c. Hanging sign in the library’s yard will need to be replaced. Board members will evaluate vendors to make a new sign and discuss at a future meeting
d. Outdoor movie night with the Reading Recreation Commission was a success
e. Tony has been in contact with the school regarding a pumpkin carving program for this year. Details are still being developed
f. Make-a-Plate event is being planned. Details are still being developed, especially as it relates to COVID and proper public safety procedures
g. A second Storytime with Libbet program is being developed
8. Unfinished business
a. Maintenance – no projects currently happening
9. New business – None
10. Summary of Decisions
a. Board will contact sign vendors
b. Bill will explore the possible switch to ECFiber
11. Agenda items for next month
a. Annual appeal
12. Adjourn at 6:51

Meeting Minutes, July 2021

Reading Public Library

Board Meeting Minutes

July 27, 2021

Call to order: 6:08 pm

Attendance: Esther Allen, Jim Bennett, Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm, Heather Evans, Bill Baker, Libbet Downs

 Minutes approved from last meeting: Janet motioned, Bill seconded, all in favor, approved.

No changes to the current agenda

Secretary’s report: EC fiber opportunity brought up. Internet and phone for $100 a month since EC fiber gives public organizations a discount.

Treasurer’s report: We ended the year under budget $2.66. Current budget on track

Librarian’s report: Purchased 80 new books and they are on the shelves! Libbet and Tony are going to organize another story time in September. The rec and library are planning a movie showing. Tony has been in touch with Gerry about the podcast and Tony is waiting on Gerry’s schedule. Library passes have been going out regularly. Listen Up Vermont has had a lot of interest. Several donations for little free library. Heidi Fielder and Stephen Miller donated a portable presentation lectern and a large mat.

Unfinished Business: Maintenance – Talk about new sign next meeting

New Business: Esther would like a formal letter from the library requesting the historical artifact, Minnie Fay’s library cart, to be on loan from the historical society to the Reading library.

Summary of Decisions: A formal request for a historical artifact to be on loan from the historical society will be drafted in letter form and emailed to Esther Allen. To be sent prior to the next historical society meeting August 10.

Items for next month: EC fiber- Tony will gather info regarding what we are paying now for phone and internet and what the library contract with internet provider entails

Next meeting: Tuesday August 31, 2021

Adjourn: 7:03 pm

Respectfully submitted by: Janet Malcolm, secretary

Meeting Minutes, May 2021

Reading Public Library

meeting minutes

May 25th, 2021

Call to order: 6:12pm

Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans,

Bill Bakker Absent: library chair Vanessa Maxham

Minutes approved from last meeting; Janet motioned, Libbet seconded, all in favor.

No changes to the current agenda.

Secretary’s Report: No new report

Treasurer’s Report: treasurer reported on the status of the budget for the current fiscal year

Librarian’s Report:

Herb garden is planted and doing great!

Libbet will water herb garden while Tony is on vacation.

The CDC guidelines are quickly changing, but we are going to keep things the way they are until after our June meeting. We will reassess then.

Unfinished Business:

Maintenance: part of the library’s (hours open) sign has come loose and needs to be fixed.

New Business: No new business

Summary of Decisions: Library will continue as is

Items for next month: Library re-opening

Adjourn: 6:43pm

Next meeting: June 29th

Respectfully submitted by Janet Malcolm, secretary

Meeting Minutes, April 2021

Reading Public Library

 meeting minutes

April 27th, 2021

Call to order: 6:05pm

Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Vanessa Maxham,

Bill Bakker Absent: library trustee Janet Malcolm

Minutes approved from last meeting; Bill motioned, Libbet seconded, all in favor.

No changes to the current agenda.

Secretary’s Report: Janet not present but she submitted information prior to the meeting that she has issued a thank you note to Jean Goldsborough for her technical assistance and to Scott Harkins for his help moving the butterfly bush out front of the library.

Treasurer’s Report: Budget is on track.

Librarian’s Report:

The seed library is going great.

The poetry stroll has been up and running-April is poetry month.

3 story-times with Libbet have taken place, with a rousing success. Libbet hopes to do more of these in July!

We are looking forward to more outdoor movies this spring/summer with a co-sponsorship from Reading Rec.

Gerry M will soon be coming to work with Tony to set up a podcasting area for constituents.

Tony is going to order plants from the Reading Greenhouse, for the herb garden this week.

Tony will be doing the pop-up computer station for folks who wish to use it outside this summer when weather permits.

The CDC guidelines have recently changed, but we are going to keep things the way they are until after our June meeting. We will reassess then.

Unfinished Business: Our neighbor removed plants from the small garden adjacent to the library-she cleaned it out to give the plants room to thrive/breathe. Heather talked about the cement walkway in front of the library needing to be fixed (again) and she mentioned it might be a good idea to ask Lisa Kaija about making a mosaic there. We will see if this can be done.

Maintenance: part of the library’s (hours open) sign has come loose and needs to be fixed.

Cyrus Harkins will begin mowing our lawn soon. Tony will talk to him to solidify plans.

New Business: Tony’s paid vacation will be from Saturday, May 29th and he will return on Saturday, June 19th.

Summary of Decisions: Tony to talk to Cyrus, Heather to speak with Lisa K.

Items for next month:

Adjourn: 6:37pm

Respectfully submitted by Vanessa Maxham, chair

Meeting Minutes, March 2021

Reading Public Library Board Meeting Minutes
March 30, 2021
Call to order: 6:05 pm
Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm, Heather Evans, Bill Baker
Minutes approved from last meeting: Bill motioned, Heather seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda
Secretary’s report: Thank you notes up to date.
Treasurer’s report: On track with budget.
Librarian’s report: Tony posted poems for poetry stroll and placed brochures in Little Free Library, Town Hall and Greenhouse.
Libbet and Tony will be hosting three Zoom story times
on Wednesdays at 7 pm on April 7, 14, 21.
Some seed donations received and some have already been checked out.
Tony purchased Mac Book Pro and AV cart expected in the next week or so and then Tony can contact Gerry about podcasting.
Unfinished Business: Maintenance – No new report
New Business: No new business
Summary of Decisions: No new decisions
Items for next month: Tony’s vacation for June
Next meeting: April 27 6pm via ZOOM
Adjourn: 6:28pm
Respectfully submitted by: Janet Malcolm, secretary

Meeting Minutes, February 2021

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2021
Call to order: 6:03 pm
Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Bill Baker
Minutes approved from last meeting: Heather motioned, Libbet seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda
Secretary’s report: Thank you notes up to date.
Treasurer’s report: On track with budget. New line item added under fees for $141 for workman’s comp for our librarian.
Librarian’s report: Thank you note needed for Jim and Sandy Peplau for hand sewn hearts placed around town.
There are a few programs in the works: Poetry month in April; collaboration with Mary Blood Library to create a poetry stroll. Locations around
Felchville and Brownsville where poems will be posted. Penny Bliss is drawing hand drawn maps with locations.
Seeking seed donations for seed library. There has been difficulty with donations due to COVID but the seed library will continue!
Libbet and Tony are planning virtual story time.
Gerry Marletta is helping Tony choose equipment for podcasting use. Also folks will be able to use equipment and facility in future for personal podcasting use.
Laptop is running much slower due to lots of patron use so Tony will purchase a Mac book pro 13 inch- about $1200. Also AV cart will be purchased.
Library will continue to be run as is and will reassess each month with COVID in mind.
Unfinished Business: Maintenance – No new report
New Business: No new business
Summary of Decisions: New laptop and AC cart to be purchased
Items for next month: Tony’s vacation for April, landscaping.
Next meeting: March 30 6pm via ZOOM
Adjourn: 6:50pm
Respectfully submitted by: Janet Malcolm, secretary