Meeting Minutes, February 2023

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2023
1. Call to order 6:12/ Attendance: Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm, Tony Pikramenos, Heather Evans
2. Minutes approved from last meeting: Vanessa motions, Heather seconds, all in favor
3. No changes to current agenda
4. Secretary’s Report: Several thank you notes need to be sent
5. Treasurer’s Report: no new report
6. Librarian’s report: Gerry and Tony have recorded three podcasts! There is a link for the podcast on the library site. Lisa Kaija did a beautiful wood cut for the podcast name “Night Mail”.
7. Unfinished Business: Maintenance: Hoping to put some insulation in the attic but there is not enough space to put enough insulation to be cost effective. Bill Neukomm does recommend putting in two heat pumps which is large cost upfront but going forward would save money. Vanessa will email Bill Baker to ask him to coordinate with Bill Neukomm to come to the next meeting to talk about our options for energy efficiency. Heather has a lead for sidewalk repair.
8. New Business: none
9. Summary of Decisions: Vanessa will follow up with Bill. We’re going to celebrate birthdays with yummy treats at our meetings! January 19 – Tony ; March 17 – Heather ; June 11 – Janet ; July 2 -Vanessa. We’ll find out Bill and Libbet’s birthdays!
10. Items for Next Month: Hoping to have Bill Neukomm at meeting
11. Adjourn: 6:49
Respectfully submitted by Janet Malcolm

Meeting Minutes, November 2022

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
November 29, 2022
1. Call to order 6:11/ Attendance: Vanessa Maxham, Bill Baker, Janet Malcolm, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Tony Pikramenos
2. Minutes approved from last meeting: Janet motions, Bill seconds, all in favor, approved
3. No changes to current agenda
4. Secretary’s Report: No new report
5. Treasurer’s Report: budget is on track.
6. Librarian’s report: Tony and Gerry met to talk about a local podcast they are brainstorming. Amy Harkins has been coordinating a meditation and sound healing group led by Cassie on Monday nights at the library. The rec will continue to host game nights at the library on the first Friday of each month at 6:30 pm. Pumpkin carving was a success! The tree lighting co-sponsored with the rec will take place on December 4 at 6:30 pm. Library will provide snacks and the Rec will provide lights, coco and coordinate
a visit from Santa. Considering the increased cost of living we have decided to put the appeal letter on hold to best serve our patrons at this time.
7. Unfinished Business: Maintenance: Thank you to Bill who was at the weatherization day along with several others! Still looking for sidewalk repair help. Tony has two possible leads- Janet will call them. Tony also found Nate Titus and Colby Titus to repair the soffit. Tony noticed wires exposed on the well and made some plumbing calls inquiring what next steps should be.
8. New Business: none
9. Summary of Decisions: Janet to call sidewalk contacts
10. Items for Next Month: Maintenance
11. Adjourn: 6:49
Respectfully submitted by Janet Malcolm

Meeting Minutes, October 2022

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
October 25, 2022
1. Call to order 6:15/ Attendance: Vanessa Maxham, Bill Baker, Libbet Downs, Janet Malcolm
2. Minutes approved from last meeting: Bill motions, Libbet seconds, all in favor, approved
3. No changes to current agenda
4. Secretary’s Report: No new report
5. Treasurer’s Report: budget is on track. Library board voted and approved for annual budget request of $33,800. This reflects the increase in expenses due to inflation and other factors.
6. Librarian’s report: No new report
7. Unfinished Business: Maintenance: Weatherization of building is scheduled for Saturday
October 29th. Still looking for sidewalk repair help.
8. New Business: none
9. Summary of Decisions: budget request
10. Items for Next Month: Maintenance
11. Adjourn: 6:45
Respectfully submitted by Janet Malcolm

Meeting Minutes, September 2022

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
September 27, 2022
1. Call to order 6:05/ Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Bill Baker, Libbet Downs, Janet Malcolm
2. Minutes approved from last meeting: Bill motions, Libbet seconds, all in favor, approved
3. No changes to current agenda
4. Secretary’s Report: No new report
5. Treasurer’s Report: budget is on track
6. Librarian’s report: New setup for Libby and online catalogue. Tony is working on a cheat sheet to explain process since it’s not as user friendly.
Two movies showings in collaboration with the rec went terrific!
Pumpkin carving planning with Mrs. Kaija is in the works . Make a plate will
hopefully be in October. Also working on having game night at the library in
collaboration with the rec.
7. Unfinished Business: Maintenance: Tony found a lead on someone to build the backer board for EC fiber to be installed. Bill Springer has been mowing for the library and doing awesome job! New dehumidifier set up in children’s room. Weatherization of building is scheduled to start at the end of October. Those who volunteer to help will be eligible to have weatherization done at their home for the largely reduced cost. The
library should save up to 100 gallons annually.
8. New Business: Janet will contact twin state about sidewalk repair.
9. Summary of Decisions: continue to inquire about sidewalk repair
10. Items for Next Month: Maintenance
11. Adjourn: 6:41
Respectfully submitted by Janet Malcolm

Meeting Minutes, July 2022

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2022
1. Call to order 6:03/ Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Heather Evans, Bill Baker, Libbet Downs
2. Minutes approved from last meeting: Janet motions, Bill seconds, all in favor, approved
3. No changes to current agenda
4. Secretary’s Report: No new report
5. Treasurer’s Report: July 1st started next fiscal year and budget is on track
6. Librarian’s report: EC Fiber update- a backer board needs to be installed. Vanessa will ask Gary Macia if he is interested in installing this board and Janet will ask Carl. We are still looking for someone to work on filling hole damage on the side of the building from birds. Tony was able to purchase 45 passes to Montshire and one year pass to Shelburne
Museum. 180 new children books processed, thank you Tony! Possible movie at Puddledock Park cosponsored by library and Reading Rec.
7. Unfinished Business: Maintenance: Vanessa is still waiting for cement person to contact her.
8. New Business: None
9. Summary of Decisions: Vanessa and Janet will talk to Gary and Carl about installing board; Bill will talk to his handyman regarding filling holes
10. Items for Next Month: Maintenance
11. Adjourn: 7:01
Respectfully submitted by Janet Malcolm

Meeting Minutes, June 2022

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2022
1. Call to order 6:03/ Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Heather Evans, Bill Baker, Libbet Downs
2. Minutes approved from last meeting: Janet motions, Bill seconds, all in favor, approved
3. No changes to current agenda
4. Secretary’s Report: No new report
5. Treasurer’s Report: July 1st started next fiscal year and budget is on track
6. Librarian’s report: EC Fiber update- a backer board needs to be installed. Vanessa will ask Gary Macia if he is interested in installing this board and Janet will ask Carl. We are still looking for someone to work on filling hole damage on the side of the building from birds. Tony was able to purchase 45 passes to Montshire and one year pass to Shelburne Museum. 180 new children books processed, thank you Tony! Possible movie at Puddledock Park cosponsored by library and Reading Rec.
7. Unfinished Business: Maintenance: Vanessa is still waiting for cement person to contact her.
8. New Business: None
9. Summary of Decisions: Vanessa and Janet will talk to Gary and Carl about installing board; Bill will talk to his handyman regarding filling holes
10. Items for Next Month: Maintenance
11. Adjourn: 7:01
Respectfully submitted by Janet Malcolm

Meeting Minutes, May 2022

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
May 31, 2022
Call to order: 6:05 pm
Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Heather Evans, Bill Baker, Libbet Downs
Minutes approved from last meeting: Libbet motioned, Bill seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda
Secretary’s report: No new report
Treasurer’s report: About $125 left in budget for the year: herb garden flowers will be
purchased to close out the fiscal year. Great work Bill and Tony- thank you.
Librarian’s report: We are trying to find a local person to mow the library lawn as the last
person isn’t going to be doing that work any longer.
Library will be closed Saturday, June 11th due to personal business for Tony.
Monthly agenda needs to be more consistent per town treasurer; will come up with a
EC Fiber: Tony will talk with John Malcolm about when that will be finished.
Unfinished Business:
Maintenance – Vanessa is still waiting for cement person to contact her.
New Business: Bird hole in building on side with lilacs…Tony to follow up w/ building to
see if it can be taken care of. Thank you Heather, for noticing.
Summary of Decisions:
Items for next month:
Next meeting: Tuesday June 28, 2022
Adjourn: 6:44 pm
Respectfully submitted by: Vanessa Maxham, Chairperson

Meeting Minutes, April 2022

Reading Public Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting Minutes – April 26, 2022
In attendance – Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Bill Bakker.
1. Call to Order – 6:10 PM.
2. Approve minutes from last meeting – Minutes reviewed. Heather moved to approve. Bill provided second. All voted in favor.
3. Public comments – None.
4. Query for changes to agenda – No changes.
5. Secretary’s report – No report at this meeting.
6. Treasurer’s report – As of March 31, there was $8190 remaining in the budget. Bill and Tony will work together to ensure all funds are utilized to meet the library’s needs by the end of the fiscal year.
7. Librarian’s report
a. Storytime with Libbet series just concluded and was very successful. Discussions are ongoing to do another series.
b. Tony has started using the $2000 grant for the purchase of children’s books.
c. The library received an air purifier from the ARPA funds provided to the town.
d. Tony will be taking paid vacation from May 7 through May 26, returning to work on May 28.
8. Unfinished business
a. Maintenance – Vanessa continues to explore contractors to repair the cement walkway.
b. Town Grant Policy – Bill attended the Selectboard meeting in March to discuss the Town Grant Policy. The policy states “all grants must be approved by the Selectboard prior to sending an application.” He asked the Selectboard to amend the policy to exclude the library from the policy, as it runs counter to Vermont statutes for libraries, which state “[The Library Board of Trustees shall] receive, control, and manage property which shall come into the hands of the municipality by gift, purchase, devise, or bequest for the use and benefit of the library.” The Selectboard chair and Town Treasurer explained that the intent of the policy is not to require Selectboard approval before all grants are submitted, but rather to ensure that the town is aware of grant money being received, if the town is audited. Bill thanked them for the clarification and all parties agreed that the library will not need to notify the Selectboard prior to applying for any grant and the library commits to notifying the town treasurer of grant applications that have been accepted and grant funds the library will be receiving.
9. New business – None.
10. Summary of decisions
11. Items for next month
a. Maintenance and cement.
12. Adjourn – 6:55 PM.

Meeting Minutes, February 2022

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
February 22, 2022
Call to order: 6:08 pm
Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Janet Malcolm, Heather Evans, Libbet Downs, Vanessa Maxham. Absent: Bill Bakker.
Minutes approved from last meeting: Janet motioned, Vanessa seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda.
Secretary’s report: a couple thank you notes need to go out.
Treasurer’s report: No new report, as treasurer was absent.
Librarian’s report: $6,877 in donations from 65 donations. Sophie is coming in for community service hours and is a big help. Brooke James is helping process some books. There is some nonperishable items from the food shelf on a rolling cart in the library and Brooke will keep stocked for the library. Tony is compiling a list of books to purchase with the grant money. Storytelling with Libbet starts March 15th on zoom! Library needs a new vacuum.
Unfinished Business: Maintenance – sidewalk repair- need to find someone to do this.
Grant Policy– We are continuing the conversation regarding the grant
policy, as our treasurer is absent.
New Business: No new business.
Summary of Decisions: Janet will research vacuums; Vanessa will ask Gary Macia if he knows anyone who is interested to repair our sidewalk.
Items for next month: Sidewalk, grant policy
Adjourn: 7:45 pm
Respectfully submitted by: Janet Malcolm, secretary

Meeting Minutes, January 2022

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2022
Call to order: 6:10 pm
Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Janet Malcolm, Heather Evans, Bill Baker.
Minutes approved from last meeting: Janet motioned, Heather seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda.
Secretary’s report: Thank you notes up to date.
Treasurer’s report: On track with budget.
Librarian’s report: We have $6,577 in donations from the appeal letter! Tony is compiling a list of books to order with the grant money. Libbet and Tony have decided on dates for children story time: March 15, 22, 29, April 5. EC fiber question- We currently pay $1900/year for phone and internet. How much will EC Fiber cost for same or faster speed?
Unfinished Business: Maintenance – No new report.
Grant Policy– Discussed town grant policy and decided on next steps.
New Business: No new business.
Summary of Decisions: Janet will ask John about EC fiber costs.
Items for next month: EC fiber; maintenance- sidewalk repair.
Adjourn: 7:07 pm
Respectfully submitted by: Janet Malcolm, secretary.