Reading Public Library Board Meeting Minutes
Date: June 26, 2018
Meeting commenced: 6:05
Present: Vanessa Maxham, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Tony Pikramenos, Bill Baker, Janet Malcolm
Minutes from last meeting: Motion to approve by Vanessa, second by Janet.
Secretary’s report: No new report.
Treasurer’s report: At the close of the fiscal year we are zeroed out for the year; the town approved increase in budget. Esther will do an audit for the last three fiscal years since we had a change of treasurers from Peter Seman to Bill Baker.
Librarian’s report: Seed library going well with lots of good feedback from patrons. Herb garden growing well and looks great. Heather and Tony are watering. Mason is doing a great job of mowing. The tree is not doing well in front of the library and Tony will call Dave Appleton to look at it. Tony brought flowers and a handmade card from Sophie Evans to Mary Ann to thank her for her years of service. She was very grateful. Thank you cards need to be sent out for Deb Macia for toy box and rocker; Nanci, the photographer, who gave Tony files of restoration work, and an early donation for $100 from Bob and Esther Allen. Janet will meet with Tony on Thursday to go over the thank you note template. Woodpeckers made several holes in library. Mike Barr is planning on repairing. Summer program on Thursdays in July are all set. Tony is asking the library officers to volunteer to help with the craft and provide the snack. The volunteers are: Bill on July 5, Janet on July 12, and Heather on July 26. Vanessa and Libbet are checking if they can cover the other date.
Unfinished Business: Maintenance- Bill motions to accept the estimate from Jason Dow to repair sidewalk in July. Libbet seconds and unanimous vote yes.
New Business: July 6 Stephen D’Agostino will open library from 5-7 for first Friday on 6/29. Plan is for August first Friday to have art exhibit at the library and have library open. Vanessa and Heather are working on this.
Summary of decisions: Mike Barr is planning on repairing the woodpecker damage to library. Bill will follow up with Jason Dow regarding sidewalk repair. Steven will open library from 5-7 on 6/29.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:02
Date of next meeting: July 31, 2018