Meeting Minutes, March 2017

Reading Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

March 28th, 2017

In attendance:  Libbet Downs, Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Bill Bakker, Milde Waterfall, Secretary.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Milde Waterfall

Called to Order at 6:10pm

Minutes approved for March 2, 2017 meeting.

No changes to Agenda

Secretary’s Report:  None

Treasurer’s Report: Recent budget shared and all on target

Librarian’s Report: Details in New Business

Unfinished Business:

Automation – Rearranged sections in Library.  Reference works now subsumed into larger collection with Dewey Decimal System.  Work on downstairs collection is underway.  Closing in on the entire collection.  Bravo!

Maintenance – Date to re attach gold letters on portico not yet determined.

Snow Removal concerns.  Board of Trustees will follow a

Complaint Protocol: Tony receives a complaint, sends an email identifying the issue to all Board members and calls Chairperson.  Chairperson either calls complainant or designates a Board member to make the call informing the person that the Board is aware of the situation and will follow up on it in relation to its urgency.  Appropriate action will follow.

New Business – Tony takes a vacation in April.  He will email the Board members the dates involved on Thursday.

Summary of Decisions – Tony emails vacation dates.  Board proceeds with Complaint Protocol.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:50pm


Meeting Minutes, February 2017

Reading Library Board of Trustees Meeting

March 2, 2017


In attendance:  Libbet Downs, Milde Waterfall, Bill Bakker, Tony Pikramenos

Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary

In Vanessa’s absence Libbet called the meeting to order at 6:10pm.

Query for Changes to the Agenda – Libbet suggested we focus on the two objectives for Town Meeting , the only actions requiring immediate attention and table the rest of the Agenda.  Milde, Bill, and Tony agreed.

New Business:  Town Meeting.  Milde will nominate Vanessa and Libbet will second the motion.  Tony will prepare remarks amplifying the reasons listed by the Historical Society in the Town report if its appropriate.

Milde motioned that we adjourn at 6:30pm.  Libbet seconded.  Meeting adjourned.



Meeting Minutes, January 2017

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

January 31, 2017


In attendance:  Libbet Downs, Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Peter Seman

Minutes submitted by Libbet Downs.

Meeting called to order at 6:10.

Minutes approved for January 4.

Secretary’s Report:  nothing to report

Treasurer’s Report: Peter will research Sovernet bills to find out the amount of refund owed the library.  The hours approved for Tony to work on automation will be used up next month.

Librarian’s Report:  Automation is moving along.  Weeding the collection, repairing books and cleaning the shelves is done as they go.

Unfinished business:  Vanessa will meet with Esther about collaboration between the library and the Historical Society.  Interviews of long-time residents will be shared.

New business:  The septic tank needs to be emptied.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10.


Meeting Minutes, December 2016

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

January 5, 2017


In attendance: Libbet Downs, Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Bill Bakker, Milde Waterfall with Esther Allen visiting as representative of Historical Society


Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall


Meeting Called to Order at 6:05pm

Minutes Approved for November 30, 2016


New Business: As a result of Esther Allen as our visitor, Vanessa moved us directly to New Business:  Esther was discussing the future of the Historical Society’s property which joins the Library’s boundary on the north.  Her concern was to ask if the Board of Trustees would be supportive of the Town’s purchase of the adjacent lot.  Discussion followed. Libbet moved to indicate that the Library Board would be supportive of the Town’s purchase of the adjacent lot.  The Board will send a note to the Select Board indicating why this purchase would be a benefit to the town and to the library.


Secretary’s Report:  Appeals Letter: Received 44 responses to date.


Treasurer’s Report:  Peter sent no report in his absence.  No concerns noted.


Librarian’s Report:  Included in Unfinished Business- Automation and New Business.


Unfinished Business: Milde indicated she has been in discussion with the gentlemen who restored the letters, which need to be reattached to the front of the Library.

Automation:  Back in business following the holidays and enjoying progress thanks to all of the volunteers faithfully fulfilling the duties of the task.

New Business:  See discussion with Esther Allen in minutes at the beginning of the meeting.  The Board brainstormed ideas on why we would be in favor of the town’s purchase of the lot abutting the Library on the north side of the lot.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:30pm


Summary of Decisions:  Tony will write a note approved by the Board to send to the Selectmen regarding the property abutting the Library on the north side. Milde will continue discussions regarding the reattachment of the letter on the front of the Library.

Meeting Minutes, November 2016

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

November 30, 2016


In attendance:  Peter Seman, Libbet Downs, Tony Pikramenos, Milde Waterfall

Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall


Meeting called to Order at 6:10 with Libbet Downs acting as Chair.

Minutes Approved for October 25, 2016

No Agenda Changes


Secretary’s Report:  Fourteen thank you notes sent to those responding to the Appeal Letter.

Lavender and side garden covered to winterize.


Treasurer’s Report: Questions emerged about Fiberconnect refund.  Tony will contact the Department of Libraries.

Discussion of Request for Town Funds.  Libbet made a motion to level Fund the Library this fiscal year ($29,280).  Milde seconded.  Motion carried.

Tony reminded Peter that the Year End Reports are due to Calista by December 15th.


Librarian’s Report:  By switching from Staples in Lebanon to Red House Press in Springfield for the printing of our Appeal Letter we enjoyed a savings of $166.00.

Esther Allen suggested the Red House Press.

The volunteers enjoyed the goodies the Board prepared for them as a thank you for their continued work with the Library.

The Pumpkin Carving for Halloween was a success.

Cocoa and Caroling is on schedule shepherded by Stephen D’Agostino for December 17th.   We are getting support from the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Fire Department, the Town Office,  Chris Titus and Diane Moore.

We agreed that our next meeting will be January 3rd, 2017

The Catamount Annual Meeting, which Tony attended, was productive.  A plan for fewer meetings was encouraging.  Currently there are 13 member libraries with four or five pending.

Tony shared his experience helping the Historical Society move out of the old building into the new building.  We agreed that we are all moving out of old methods and ideas into new possibilities with the Historical Society and the preservation and celebration of Reading.  To that end we will formally invite the Historical Society Executive Board to join our Board of Trustees for our January 31st meeting.  At that time we can explore new opportunities for collaboration.  Tony will write a letter to the members of the Executive Board.


Unfinished Business.  Automation is progressing on schedule. Maintenance. Gardens prepared for winter.


New Business.

Collaboration with Historical Society (see Librarians Report).


Summary of Decisions:

Vanessa and Libbet will go to the bank and complete a transfer of names for official signatures.

Board will provide cookies, cocoa, and candy canes for Santa on December 17th.

Tony will draft a letter to the Historical Society Executive Board for Board’s approval and signatures to invite them to a joint meeting on January 31st 2017

Libbet will remind the school of our celebration on December 17th, 2016


The meeting adjourned at 8:03pm


Meeting Minutes, August 2016

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

August 30, 2016


In attendance:  Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Peter Seman, Bill Bakker, Libbet Downs, Milde Waterfall (Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary)

Meeting called to Order at 6:10pm.  Vanessa called for Agenda Changes.  None.  July Minutes approved.

Secretary’s Report.  No response on request for tree pruning.  Peter up-dated the website and will further add details on the Movie with Hall Foundation.

Treasurer’s Report.  We received the refund on the heating bill.

Librarian’s Report.  Covered in New Business.

Unfinished Business.

Still looking for info on cleaning plates on either side of the door outside with veterans’ names.

New Business.

Appeal Letter.  Will go out after tax day.  On schedule.

Automation.   Tony gave a forty-five minute presentation demonstrating the process on three levels.  The Board voted to extend 50 extra hours for Tony’s work.

Brick Path Fundraiser.  Vanessa spoke with Montshire Museum and they directed her to a source to get an estimate.  She has received no response to date.

Hall Art Foundation and Movie Event.  On schedule Peter will soon put info on our website.

Letters Celebration.  Gary Macia wants to install the letters and is working it into his schedule.

Make a Plate.  Lisa Kaija will direction the preparation.

Summary of decisions.

Board agreed on extra hours for Tony’s work with automation.

The Appeal letter will continue on schedule.

Milde will contact Mr. Appleton for tree-pruning information.

Vanessa will get a date from Gary Macia on the Letter attaching.

Adjourned 7:24:30pm




Meeting Minutes, July 2016



Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

July 26, 2016


In attendance:  Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Peter Seman, Bill Bakker, Libbet Downs, Milde Waterfall

Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall

Meeting called to Order at 6:05pm

Vanessa called for Agenda Changes.  None

June 28, 2016 Minutes approved

Secretary’s Report.  Website needs to be up-dated.  Peter may help while Tony is commanding Automation.  No one has asked for extra bricks from the Singleton patio.  Vanessa would like to research the potential Buy a Brick program.  We will contact Dave Appleton for an estimate on trimming the tree in front of the cheek walls.

Treasurer’s Report.   No new report.

Unfinished Business. 

*Automation.  Tony delivered an excellent report on the demands of the automating process, which requires basically cataloging each book in the collection.  We discussed the demands on his time as well as the volunteers.  He continues to be optimistic that the process will get easier as they go along.

*Maintenance.  Vanessa will check with Gary Macia for an estimated date for attaching the letters.  That will enable us to plan a celebration with the gentlemen who restored and preserved the letters on the portico.  Tony is planning to work with Mike Barr on completing the list of repairs he has signed on for which includes removing paint from various parts of the exterior of the building.  We will contact preservationists on the removal of paint from the large plaques on the front of the building.

New Business.

Tony has made arrangements with the Hall art Foundation to participate in an event on October 16th where visitors will view the Landscapes Exhibit that is currently showing and then watch the film “Turner” at the library.  The Hall Foundation will conduct advertising and tickets for a group of no more than 25.

* Vanessa will organize the plate workshop to be held on October 22nd.

Summary of Decisions.  Vanessa will research the Brick program.

Milde will provide Peter with the needs for up dating the website.

Tony will give Peter a tutorial on how to up-date the website.

Tony will ask the Catamount people if they have an extra scanner we can use.

Peter will work with Tony on the computers and the automation.

Vanessa will get a date for the Letters Celebration.

Milde will ask Mr. Appleton for an estimate for pruning the tree in front of the library.

Milde will seek out expert advise on cleaning the plaques in front of the library.  Vanessa will begin organizing the plate workshop for kids.

Items for Next Agenda.  Vanessa listed them.

Adjourned at 7:18:30 pm

Meeting Minutes, June 2016

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

June 28, 2016


In attendance:  Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Peter Seman, Bill Bakker, Libbet Downs, Milde Waterfall

Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary


Meeting called to order at 6:10pm

Vanessa called for Agenda changes:  None

May 31, 2016 Minutes approved.


Secretary’s Report.  Thank you notes sent to Donna Martin, Steve Vogl and Trish Lewis, and Libbet Downs.  Landscaping/Mulch situation discussed exhaustively.  Landscaping is finished.  Remaining bricks will be made available to patrons.


Treasurer’s Report.  Finished the year with $1.94 remaining.  Good work all around.

Librarian’s Report.  Covered in Unfinished Business.


Unfinished Business.

*Automation – Tony up-dated the Board and shared two booklets of extended instructions for automation.  The start is going slow but Tony thinks it will improve.

*Maintenance – No report.

* Herb Garden/Landscaping – covered in Secretary’s Report

New News – None.

Summary of Decisions. None

Items for Next Agenda.  Budget

Adjourned at 7pm.

Meeting Minutes, May 2016

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

May 31, 2016


In attendance: Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Peter Seman, Bill Bakker, Libbet Downs, Milde Waterfall

Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary

Meeting called to order at 6:05pm

Vanessa called for Agenda changes.  Adding May Day to Unfinished Business and Collaboration with Art Hall Foundation.

April 26th Minutes approved as written.

Secretary’s Report – See Landscaping below.

Treasurer’s Report – One bill yet to come.  Otherwise all on tract . See Remaining Budget dollar details in Unfinished Business.)

Librarian’s Report – Covered in Unfinished Business and New Business.

Unfinished Business-

Automation – *Bill, Milde, Brook, and Maryanne have all been trained to input data.  Tony has worked out a plan for each section of the library for completion. *Account is set up to enable Tony to order books on line instead of calling them in. *Account set up to download book records as well. *Fill out pdf to determine how we want the books to be processed. *Schedule complete for volunteers to do work. *Catamount will turn on production server to start on Thursday.

Maintenance –  the Board agreed that Gary Macia will re attach the letters using the Guidance from Justin Mayo.  Vanessa will contact Gary in the hope we can attach them before Old Home Days.  In the fall we will plan and host a “Guilding Letters” workshop and celebration with Justin Mayo and Ron Wanamaker joining us.  Milde will contact them.

Remaining Budget dollars- Overtime pay for Tony on Automation.  New technology aiding patrons with automation.  Baskets for cheek walls and replace necessary Lavender.  Purchase books.

May Day- Vanessa reported that ten children attended.  Libbet provided the teapot and teacups. Vanessa provided cookies and crafts.  Tony read stories.  Success.  Put it on the calendar for next year.

Collaboration with Historical Society –  Continuing dialogue on possible work together.

Collaboration with Hall Art Foundation – Milde will contact Hall Art Foundation for a tour of their new exhibit to allow Board to offer a list of movies to supplement the current exhibit for Hall Approval for the fall.

New Business – Community and Automation Tabled.  Contract with Mason confirmed.  Continue exploring possibilities involving potential herb garden.

Summary of Decisions.  Vanessa will follow through with Gary Macia on the attachment of the letters.  Milde will order baskets from Garden Center.  Tony will continue work with automation and budget spending. Milde will contact HAF.

Adjourned at 7:58pm.

Meeting Minutes, April 2016

Reading Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

April 26, 2016


In attendance:  Libbet Downs, Vanessa Maxham, Tony Pikramenos, Peter Seman, Bill Bakker, Milde Waterfall

Minutes submitted by Milde Waterfall, Secretary


Meeting called to order at 6:05pm

Vanessa called for Agenda changes.  None.

March 29, 2016 Minutes approved as written.

Secretary’s Report – None

Treasurer’s Report – All accounts in good order.  Trustees reviewed spreadsheets provided.

Librarian’s Report – Moving forward with Catamount workshop on Friday, April 29th, 2016.  Bill will attend with Tony.  May Day Program is ready to go.  Flyers given to Libbet for RES.

Unfinished Business –

Automation – Friday, 1pm (April 29)

Maintenance – No new information

Preservation Week sponsored by the Vermont Historical Society (April 24 – 30) RPL will post links to information for citizens to care for collections, family heirlooms, and other precious items.

The Library will continue to collaborate on ideas with the Reading Historical Society as they move to their new location.  The Board will discuss next year’s Preservation week – April 23 – 29 for ideas for participation.

New Business – The Board discussed landscaping concerns and Tony will contact Mason Harkins to renew his contract.  Milde requested support to expand the lavender on the walkway with the help of the Garden Center and request two baskets for the front of the library.   Remaining budget dollars discussion tabled.

Summary of Decisions – Tony and Vanessa will proceed with the May Day celebration. Tony and Bill will attend the automation workshop. Milde will proceed with landscaping plans and necessary correspondence.  Tony and Milde will assemble and post information on Preservation Week for the Library website.

Items for next Agenda – Automation, Landscaping, Maintenance, Discussion of budget dollars.

Adjourned at 7:26pm