Meeting Minutes, March 2021

Reading Public Library Board Meeting Minutes
March 30, 2021
Call to order: 6:05 pm
Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm, Heather Evans, Bill Baker
Minutes approved from last meeting: Bill motioned, Heather seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda
Secretary’s report: Thank you notes up to date.
Treasurer’s report: On track with budget.
Librarian’s report: Tony posted poems for poetry stroll and placed brochures in Little Free Library, Town Hall and Greenhouse.
Libbet and Tony will be hosting three Zoom story times
on Wednesdays at 7 pm on April 7, 14, 21.
Some seed donations received and some have already been checked out.
Tony purchased Mac Book Pro and AV cart expected in the next week or so and then Tony can contact Gerry about podcasting.
Unfinished Business: Maintenance – No new report
New Business: No new business
Summary of Decisions: No new decisions
Items for next month: Tony’s vacation for June
Next meeting: April 27 6pm via ZOOM
Adjourn: 6:28pm
Respectfully submitted by: Janet Malcolm, secretary

Meeting Minutes, February 2021

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2021
Call to order: 6:03 pm
Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Bill Baker
Minutes approved from last meeting: Heather motioned, Libbet seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda
Secretary’s report: Thank you notes up to date.
Treasurer’s report: On track with budget. New line item added under fees for $141 for workman’s comp for our librarian.
Librarian’s report: Thank you note needed for Jim and Sandy Peplau for hand sewn hearts placed around town.
There are a few programs in the works: Poetry month in April; collaboration with Mary Blood Library to create a poetry stroll. Locations around
Felchville and Brownsville where poems will be posted. Penny Bliss is drawing hand drawn maps with locations.
Seeking seed donations for seed library. There has been difficulty with donations due to COVID but the seed library will continue!
Libbet and Tony are planning virtual story time.
Gerry Marletta is helping Tony choose equipment for podcasting use. Also folks will be able to use equipment and facility in future for personal podcasting use.
Laptop is running much slower due to lots of patron use so Tony will purchase a Mac book pro 13 inch- about $1200. Also AV cart will be purchased.
Library will continue to be run as is and will reassess each month with COVID in mind.
Unfinished Business: Maintenance – No new report
New Business: No new business
Summary of Decisions: New laptop and AC cart to be purchased
Items for next month: Tony’s vacation for April, landscaping.
Next meeting: March 30 6pm via ZOOM
Adjourn: 6:50pm
Respectfully submitted by: Janet Malcolm, secretary

Meeting Minutes, January 2021

Reading Public Library

Board Meeting Minutes

January 26, 2021

Call to order: 6:05 pm

Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans

Minutes approved from last meeting: Janet motioned, Libbet seconded, all in favor, approved.

No changes to the current agenda

Secretary’s report: No new report

Treasurer’s report: No new report

Librarian’s report: Folks were grateful for thank you cards sent out. We still received unsolicited donations in total of $1,576, Tony turned checks over to Bill. Tony finished the annual report and turned into Calista that will go in town report for March.

Due to Covid numbers continuing to rise in VT and NH, no changes in procedures with library visits at this time. Will continue with Stage 2B

Virtual story telling a possibility Tony and Libbet are exploring. Any ideas for virtual programming is welcome.

April is poetry month. Tony talked with someone from Mary Blood library about doing a  collaborative effort where folks travel around in cars and read poems posted around West Windsor and Reading.

Unfinished Business: Maintenance – No new report

New Business: No new business

Summary of Decisions: Continue with Stage 2B

Items for next month: Next meeting: February 23 6pm via ZOOM

Meeting Minutes, November 2020

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
November 24, 2020
Call to order: 6:06 pm
Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Heather Evans, Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm
Minutes approved from last meeting: Heather motioned, Vanessa seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda
Secretary’s report: No new report
Treasurer’s report: No new report
Librarian’s report: Other libraries are going back to curbside service only, from Thanksgiving through January 15th. Tony would like to do this as well. Tony would like to be able to provide internet access to those who need it and proposed stage 2B. Stage 2B would be curbside service only, along with one hour appointments to use the computer in the building. Only one
person at a time and only for folks who have no internet service at home. This would be in effect from the Saturday after Thanksgiving through January during our next board meeting unless the state goes into total lockdown. Motion to approve stage 2B by Vanessa, Janet seconded, all in favor, approved. Notes of gratitude were placed in the mail.
Unfinished Business: Maintenance – Scott moved the butterfly bush in between the septic covers.
New Business: No new business
Summary of Decisions: Stage 2B will start Saturday after Thanksgiving
Items for next month: Next meeting: December 29 6pm via ZOOM
Adjourn: 6:40pm

Meeting Minutes, October 2020

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
October 27th, 2020
Call to order: 6:03 pm
Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Bill Bakker, Vanessa Maxham, Janet Malcolm
Minutes approved from last meeting: Heather motioned, Bill seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda
Secretary’s report: No new report
Treasurer’s report: Bill was in touch with Davis Trust and the statement will be included in the annual report. Budget is up to date.
Librarian’s report: The town has been loving the “little free library” and a thank you card will be sent to Karl Hanson. The computer station was brought in as the temperature has been dropping. Tony will once again do pumpkin carving with Lisa Kaija at the elementary school on Friday. Tony will transfer pumpkins once complete and on Halloween night he will safely distribute candy! Thirty minute visits in the library with masks on will continue.
Unfinished Business: Maintenance – Tony was able to take AC’s down, put the dehumidifier away, care for the herb and perennial garden, put the outdoor hose away and store the Puddledock umbrella in the library.
New Business: No new business
Summary of Decisions: Vanessa has a grand address list and Heather has cards ready for a letter of gratitude which will hopefully be sent out before Thanksgiving.
Items for next month: Next meeting: October 17th 6pm via ZOOM
Adjourn: 6:26pm
Respectfully submitted by: Janet Malcolm, secretary

Meeting Minutes, September 2020

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
September 29th, 2020
Call to order: 6:11pm
Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Bill Bakker, Vanessa Maxham
Absent: library trustee Janet Malcolm
Minutes approved from last meeting: Heather motioned, Bill seconded, all in favor, approved.
No changes to the current agenda
No Secretary’s report
Treasurer’s report: Bill reports that there is a new executor of the Davis Trust, which the library benefits from, and he is open to communicating with the board.
Librarian’s report:
We are so proud to announce that we now have a Little Free Library outside the library!
Mr. Karl Hanson built and installed it. Please visit, it is wonderful.
We have collaborated with the Rec Commission on an outdoor movie series. We’ve had 3 so far.
Halloween is approaching fast and Tony will once again do pumpkin carving with Lisa Kaija, which will happen at the elementary school. Tony will transfer pumpkins once complete.
Halloween night he will hand out individual candy to the children, so that many hands do not contaminate the candy/buckets.
The Rec Commission and the Library are already thinking about the upcoming Holidays. We plan on decorating the building to bring cheer.
Our reopening plan is going well. We are going to re-evaluate it for the colder months as we’ll be spending more time inside and depending on COVID results.
Unfinished Business: Maintenance-we passed our elevator inspection
New Business: We are continuing to discuss our letter of gratitude.
Summary of Decisions: Heather to send email to board with art decisions for letter; Vanessa to contact Calista for info on grand list for mailings/printings.
Items for next month: We will have Halloween programs to the extent that we can.
Next meeting: October 27th 6pm via ZOOM
Adjourn: 6:54pm
Respectfully submitted by: Vanessa Maxham, chair

Meeting Minutes, August 2020

Reading Public Library meeting minutes

August 25, 2020, Call to order 6:13pm


Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Vanessa Maxham, Bill Bakker.

Absent: library trustee Janet Malcolm.

Minutes approved from last meeting (both July meeting and special meeting): Bill motions, Heather seconded, all in favor, approved.

No Secretary’s report.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill states that we are all good at the end of the fiscal year and he and Tony worked so hard to get us to balance on the penny.

Librarian’s Report: Cleaning has begun again by the cleaning person. 2 public movies have been co-sponsored with the REC; 1 more movie viewing to go. Tony brought up the idea of possibly skipping the fundraising letter for this year considering the pandemic and how stressful it has been for most families. Board discussed. Libbet motioned that we not send a letter this year. Heather seconded. All were in favor.

No Unfinished Business.

New Business: we talked about the proposed COVID-19 policy and looked at Stage 3. Tony has again worked hard to see all details and make the public safe as well as the library. Libbet motions to approve COVID partial re-opening policy, Heather seconds, all in favor, approved. Heather also motioned to approve September 1st for Stage 3 to be enacted, Bill seconded, all in favor, approved.

Summary of Decisions: There will be no fundraising letter this year. COVID partial re-opening policy approved.

Items for next month: letter of gratitude.

Adjourn 6:48pm.

Respectfully submitted by Vanessa Maxham, chair.


Special Meeting Minutes, July 2020

Reading Public Library
Special Board Meeting Minutes
July 28, 2020
Call to order 6:07 p.m.
Virtual Attendance: Tony Pikramenos, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Vanessa Maxham, Stephen D’Agostino, Gerry Marletta (both from Recreation Commission).
Absent: library trustees Bill Bakker, Janet Malcolm.
We discussed the proposed COVID-19 bathroom policy to be used for outdoor programs. One change was made to the proposed policy, the age of the children allowed into the library without an adult. Instead of 16 and under it will be 12 and under. Libbet motioned to accept the policy with the change, Heather seconded, all in favor.
Adjourned 6:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Vanessa Maxham, chair.

Meeting Minutes, July 2020

Reading Public Library
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: July 7, 2020
Meeting commenced: 6:05 via ZOOM
Present: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Janet Malcolm, Bill Baker
Minutes from last meeting: Motion to approve by Bill, second by Libbet.
Secretary’s report: No new report
Treasurer’s report: Finished the fiscal year with $0 in budget
Librarian’s report: Initiated curbside service which is going well. Pop-up
computer policy created and initiated so folks can use equipment
outside. Folks can use the library catalogue and courier has begun again. Plants planted outside. Recorded books will be now available for this fiscal year. 6500 new books for adults and 2300 for children available through this. State park and historical site passes available. Tony will sign up for a movie license again for the new fiscal year and outdoor movies are a
possibility. 100 new books arriving at the library!
Unfinished business: None
Maintenance: Holding tank was emptied and discussed moving the
butterfly bush since it is growing over the septic tank. Cleaning services will
start up once a month again.
New business: None
Summary of decisions: Tony will call Scott Harkins about moving butterfly bush. Add discussion of Covid 19 reopening plan to next meeting
Meeting Adjourned: 6:47
Date of next meeting: August 25.

Meeting Minutes, May 2020

Reading Public Library

Board Meeting Minutes

Date: May 14, 2020

Meeting commenced: 6:37 via ZOOM

Present: Tony Pikramenos, Vanessa Maxham, Libbet Downs, Heather Evans, Janet Malcolm, Bill Baker

Minutes from last meeting: Motion to approve by Bill, second by Janet.

Secretarys report: No new report

Treasurers report: Estimated $3500 left for spending for the year; discussed securing COVID 19 supplies

Librarians report: Most libraries are now beginning to do curbside service. Tony has done a lot of research surrounding this and feels the library can safely begin curbside pick-up services and home delivery services. Tony has been working on getting information out to the public, securing COVID 19 supplies, establishing policies for safe handling of items, and taken a couple trainings regarding nonprofits during COVID 19.  Tony signed up for Zoom paid subscription on month to month basis $14.99/month. Herb garden cared for by Tony. Cyrus will continue to cut grass. Wipes and hand sanitizer are most needed at this time.

Unfinished business: None

New business: Curbside pick-up discussed; policy will be on the website and you can call library for details.  Discussed having a computer for  outdoor use as sanitary supplies are available. William motioned to approve plan for curbside pick-up and home delivery service, Libbet second and unanimous yes.

Heather brought question from green space committee if picnic tables can be put out for use. Heather will pass on to green space committee that as long as state guidelines are followed the tables can be put out.

Motion to add discussion of public comments policy to the next meeting agenda. Discussed including public comment at beginning of agenda for future meetings.

Summary of decisions: Library board agreed to subscribe to ZOOM for one year. Library board unanimous vote to begin curbside pickup and home delivery service. Board agreed to include public comment at the beginning of the agenda. 

Meeting Adjourned: 7:47

Date of next meeting: TBD